Half A Headache.

SunflowerShirtShelfies Yesterday I had half a headache. Well, not really half a headache but rather a full headache but it was oddly only on one half of my head! I don’t ever remember having one like this ever before, where it’s only one one side; I normally have it all over but this one was weird, just on the left side.It wasn’t a migraine or anything; just a headache, but it actually felt like my head had been divided clearly into 2 halves and divided down the middle and sectioned off so that the headache was contained just on the left side and the right side was totally unaffected. It was the weirdest thing and after I took pills it did go away….but then my abdomenal pain was back(and I’m still bleeding a bit,too) so it’s always something. I don’t think I’ve had a pain-free day in I don’t know how long.

I also ordered this custom-made sunflower T-shirt (at the same place I got my hippo shirt for my Christmas gift which has just been shipped out but the mail is still on strike so who knows when it will show up…) for my birthday gift from my hubby. My hubby also went to a meeting at church to register the 11 YR old for Confirmation. I’d filled everything out and he just had to drop it off but he didn’t want to and told me to walk up there instead  and do it even though it was at 7 pm and I don’t feel safe walking alone in the dark and we don’t let the girls walk home alone in the dark(coming home from work, for example) and either he picks them up or the 24 YR old walks up and meets them so why is it any different for me? I still don’t want to get raped or killed either.It’s just not safe for a woman or girl to be out alone at night once it’s dark. I guess he doesn’t care if anything happens to me. 😦

NOTE: I originally had more posted here, a couple of more paragraphs, but I just noticed now they have been deleted,STUFF IS NOW MISSING and when I checked my stats it said it was edited at 1 am and it wasn’t by me.. Some asshole in my shitty family has been monitoring,censoring, and editing and deleting my blog. f*ck you ASSHOLES! No wonder I hate you.If you keep trying to censor me I will just keep putting it back up.You will not silence me.If you don’t want me to post shitty things you do then maybe you should stop doing so many shitty things!!

Here is the missing part:

As well, one of the kids told me that the 19 YR old's BF is posessive and controlling, which are red flags for abuse, incl. warning for predictable future physical abuse: apparantly he isolates her from family and friends, that he's the real reason she didn't come up for Thanksgiving and isn't coming for Christmas, and he won't "let" her be friends with guys, only girls, and even then only 2 at a time and only people that he pre-approves, and every day he goes thru her phone and text messages and "screens"  and monitors them,etc.... I don't know if any of this is actually even true or not; it's just what I've been told,but it's concerning, and all the kids have been caught lying, making shit up, telling stories, causing drama, and telling tall tales, and getting eachother into trouble, so I don't know <em>what</em> to believe anymore,and when I asked the others they said it's <em>not</em> true, and I hope it's not, but if there is any truth to it, it really worries me as it's <strong>NOT</strong> a healthy or safe relationship. I don't know why she'd put up with this kind of crap though, and she's a pretty girl and would have her pick of any guy she'd want and wouldn't have to settle for anything less, so it doesn't make any sense, but it worries me...what if it really is true?... why do they always put me thru so much stress and worry all the time?


Screenshot_994 F*ck, I’m feeling really, really shitty now. My abdomenal pain is so bad now I’d rate it a solid 8 out of 10 on the pain scale, plus I also have bad cramps, the bad sore back(as always), tired, swollen, achy legs(and so bloated I look like a Puffer fish) and I feel nauseated and sick and just so…..ugh…. I’m bleeding a bit again,too, and I don’t know whether or not it’s a bit of Aunt Flow (which I last had in early June) even though I seem to be in menopause now, or more abnormal bleeding, and yesterday it was so bad and I felt so sick I practically slept most of the day and I took a Tramadol; I still have 5 or so left I keep saved for an emergency; when the pain gets so bad I can’t bear it anymore. I have it pretty much daily now, it’s a constant thing, but some days are better, others worse,now it’s gotten to a point where it’s just a daily chronic thing, and I couldn’t even go to church yesterday I was in such bad shape; I know there’s no way I could stand, or even sit, that long,and my mother said, You know it must be bad if you don’t even go to church!

I also tried to have a nap I feel so crappy, and Buddy came up and joined me, burrowing under the blankets, snuggling in next to me,keeping me company, keeping an eye on me, and he was extra whiny and pawing at me,too, like he knows I don’t feel well, only I couldn’t sleep as I kept hearing what sounded like some asshole on a roof really close by, hammering and sawing, making a huge racket…I just wanted to strangle the f*cker with his extension cord…. and as it turned out it was my hubby, right out on our veranda, right below me on the balcony, putting up the Christmas lights! The Tramadol didn’t do shit, either for the pain, and I’d really be surprised if it’s not cancer actually, and really feel in my heart that it is…..

The 15 and 17 YR olds were also planning on taking the train up to Ottawa just the 2 of them at the end of the month to visit the 19 YR old for a few days over a weekend and hang out, visit, go shopping, etc. and they were really excited and looking forward to it too and planned it for awhile and now the 19 YR old cancelled out on them; she has to work, which I think is a really shitty thing to do; she knows it means so much to them; she should have just told her boss she has family coming in from out of town and requested those days off. The 15 YR old shrugged, Plans change… but I could tell that she was really disappointed. That really sucks.The 24 YR old also said that the average guy has to either have sex or jerk-off 1-3 times a day,too, so guys are even more depraved than I thought they were(and whenever I say guys are perverts the 15 YR old always accuses me of stereotyping….but it’s true……they are!) and if that’s true then my hubby must be getting it somewhere then because he hasn’t touched me in 12 years…..

Pap Test.

Screenshot_873 I had my Pap test yesterday, only I got the time wrong and got there an HR early so I just had to sit there….. I’d had the time originally written down on my calendar but the kids are always scribbling stuff on it, sabotaging and ruining it(usually by drawing occult stuff on it to annoy me) and one of them eventually just ended up ripping the entire page right off, so I wasn’t able to check and verify . They also updated and now they have a self-sign-in electronically where you swipe your own health card and also had all the patients take this survery only it was on a Tablet and I’m no good with those annoying modern electronic devices, just like with the kiosks at the airport where you have to scan your passport to get your boarding pass; they never work for me  and I always end up having to go get an employee help me, and of course I had trouble with this,too…

When I tried to swipe my health card to sign in it never worked(this happened before at the hospital too when they had the same dumb self-check-in thing for a scan) I swear my body must emit some sort of magnetic field or something that kills electronic devices…so then it said I can punch in the numbers manually so I tried that….it still didn’t work….and I still ended up having to check in at reception anyway,and with the survey I didn’t know how to backspace it and delete mistakes and for weight I accidently hit the wrong numbers and it was so sensitive to the touch it keep repeating and locked in for the answer that I weigh 1808888 pounds and that my BMI calculated as an excessively obese 380! so I had to go up to the reception desk yet again and have her help me with it and everyone in the office was laughing, and it took me so long to manouever thru it,too, and I felt like such a dolt.

Then when I finally went in for the much-dreaded exam they no longer have the fabric sheets to drape over you anymore but disposable paper ones and they were so small it was the size of a paper towel and I told the nurse, My fat ass is going to need more than that to cover! I’m going to need alot more sheets! I must have really clenched up and gone rigid for the exam too as she kept telling me to relax(so I closed my eyes and tried to go to my Happy Place on the beach in the Caribbean, and tried to imagine a hot guy down there, or floating in the water, or laying in the sun) and she asked me the usual woman questions about my cycle and anything unusual and I told her about the unusual bleeding, abdomenal pain, and how I keep asking the doctor for a referral to the gyno as I know something’s wrong and when she got a look in to the cervix she said she did see abnormal stuff just by looking,before any cells were even scraped or examined: she said I have a blister on my cervix and excessivly thick discharge and she said neither is a normal finding for a woman my age and stage in life so she also took extra swabs and is testing for other infections(and I know I do get frequent yeast infections) as well as cervical cancer.I said why not, since she’s down there swabbing away anyway. Maybe there’s some other kind of infection like staph or something it’ll pick up?

I know I don’t have an STD though as there’s no way I’d get it (unless my vibrator had it)since my hubby’s the only one I’ve ever been with and even with him we haven’t done it in over 11 YRS, since I got prego with the youngest, and the nurse said as far as the cervical cancer if the results are normal I’ll get a letter in the mail  in about 3 weeks and if not the doctor’s office will call me. I wouldn’t really be surprised if that’s what I do have though as it would explain my symptoms, not only the pain and bleeding but also my achy, sore legs, constantly sore lower back, swelling and fluid retention, constipation and diarrhrea, fatigue, foul discharge, etc. maybe I’ll finally have my long-awaited for diagnosis and answer to my mystery symptoms that have plagued me forever?

Maybe I have cervical cancer?

Buddy is also being very agitated today like he’s got his knickers in a twist and he keeps licking my left  leg and whining and he looks at me intently(as if he’s trying to read my mind almost) and barks, like he’s trying to alert me, like he often does lately, it’s like he can sense something’s wrong, and it made me wonder those times after I’ve had weed and I get this bad feeling like Buddy’s got cancer and is dying only I can’t tell if it means he really is and I’m only aware of it then as that’s when I am more enlightened and can access more full knowledge, or just that I’m rather more paranoid due to the weed, my imagination runs wild, and it’s not actually true, I wonder if maybe I got it all wrong and it’s not actually him that’s dying; it’s me? Maybe the reason that he seems “out of sorts” and mopey and unsettled lately isn’t because he’s dying, but because he’s the one who’s grieving….. for me?

The Last.

Screenshot_749 Yesterday might have ended up being the last day, the last time, before I possibly hear life-changing news. My doctor’s office called and said that today my doctor himself is going to call me to discuss my scan results even though it’s only been 2 days and he wasn’t even supposed to get the results until next week, worrying me that they must have found something really bad, rushing the results to my doctor and his office contacting me, this early. Plus, the last time I got a phonecall like this from him regarding scan results I ended up having to get a colonoscopy(imagine a garden hose up your ass) and they found the polyp in my colon that was bleeding profusely….and if the results were just normal, the secretary would have just told me that yesterday when she called.

So now all these thoughts are running thru my head: what exactly did they find? What showed up on the scan with the cyst on my ovary? What did they see? How big has that thing gotten? Do they think it looks like cancer now, or what? Has it spread?  Is that something along the lines of what he’s going to tell me later today and what I have to brace myself for and prepare for; that I might even have cancer or something and he’s calling me to alert me of this concern and sending me off for further testing, such as to a specialist, or for a biopsy or even surgery to remove it? That’s what I’m kind of expecting, esp. with it being so soon, so sudden,and seeming so urgent.

So, then the thought occured to me, that maybe yesterday was my Last Day. My last day of a normal life. My last day before I find out I have cancer. The last day of living my life as it is now. The last day before my life is changed forever. The last day before a life-altering diagnosis. The last day of normal everyday life. The last day before bad news. The last day before yet another crisis to befall our family, the last day I have any semblance of a so-called “normal” life, the last day before I know, before I find out, before everything changes, before shock, fear and uncertaintly creep in, but regardless, nothing else has really changed; even if I do have cancer, for example, it’s always been there; it didn’t just appear when it showed up on the scan; that was just the day it was discovered, but it’s been there for awhile, and I’ve had abdomenal pain and bleeding issues for at least the past year now,anyway, but my doctor refused to refer me to a gyno despite my pleas.

At least once the cause of the pain is found, dealt with and removed hopefully it will finally relieve my pain…and maybe now I’ll finally get that referral! I kept telling him for months and months that something was wrong, with the abdomenal pain, the heavy painful periods and bleeding in-between and he just passed it off as woman things and just part of being a woman and something I just have to live with even though I know something’s wrong and it’s not normal and even now I’ve been in menopause for 4 months I still have the pain, and the bloating, cramping,  bad fluid retention, constipation and diarrhrea, etc. and I even read somewhere that ovarian cancer can be wrongly diagnosed as IBS, esp. since the symptoms can mimic other things, don’t appear until later,and it’s often not diagnosed until the advanced stages…..

Just in case it was my Last Day of “normality” yesterday before my life changes forever and the last time before Big News, at least I was able to fully savour, enjoy and capture the moment. I felt the sun on my face as I was outside walking the dog. I enjoyed eating a chocolate bar, I celebrated Ganja Liberation Day accordingly, loved on my dog, listened to some great music,watched a good TV show, and captured the moment, just in case. My abdomenal and back pain has been worse for the past few days,too, and the best way to describe the abdomenal pain is sometimes it feels really crampy, like bad period cramps or early labour, and other times it’s a gnawing pain, and other times it feels like bad constipation pain or like when you were a kid and had a bad tummyache or when the waistband of your pants was too tight and your stomach hurt. The back pain is like in labour and feels like there’s something hard pressing on it, like when you can feel the baby’s head pressing against the bottom of your spine.

The good news is though that I haven’t had a hallucination in a few weeks…..or at least not that I’m aware of,anyway,and today one of the kids also turns 24! Happy Birthday!

Ovarian Cyst.

Screenshot_699 Yesterday I had my pelvic ultrasound to see if they can find the cause of my abdomenal pain and as soon as the tech put the wand on my belly and saw something she asked me if I would mind doing a trans-vaginal scan(the one where the wand is shoved up my you-know-what) as it shows a more clearer detailed image  and when I asked her what part she’s looking at she said the cyst on my ovary. So there you have it. That must be it. That must be the issue, what’s been causing my abdomenal pain and maybe even my really sore lower back as well, maybe it’s grown and gotten bigger in size and is pressing on other organs now, or maybe it’s twisting at times, or maybe it’s not even a mere cyst anymore and has become a cancerous tumour now? Maybe I have ovarian cancer?

The entire scan was focused solely on the cyst as well, whereas originally I thought it was of the pelvic organs in general, so they must have found something and they said my doctor gets the results in about a week. As I inserted the wand into my yoo-hoo and the tech was twisting and turning it around I also cracked, This is the most action I’ve had in years! and she started cracking up laughing. At least if it does turn out to be the cyst or a tumour, on my ovary(and she said it is on the right side,too, where my pain is) it’s easy enough to fix: just remove it!

I think I may have had seizures again overnight last night as I was sleeping as well as I kept waking up during the night due to a massive headache I first had at 1 am but also every time I’d awaken I remember my arms and legs and muscles were all rigid and stiff,too, as if I was just coming out of a seizure, which might also explain why I kept waking up and why I’m so tired all day today,and maybe also the reason for the bad headache? My hubby also likes to mock my religious beliefs and faith and he also taunts that I’m not a “good” Christian and I won’t make it to Heaven and I don’t obey God because I have tattoos, use medical marijuana, and wear two different fabrics at the same time, and uses all kinds of silly little nit-picking “technicalities” to try and prove I’m not following the Bible, but who is he to say, or to judge, though? He doesn’t even go to church, hasn’t been to Confession in years, and doesn’t even give a shit about God and religion, so what “qualifications” does he have to judge anyone or to say who gets in to Heaven,anyway?

As well, the 17 YR old left her tacos in the microwave  after they were done and I needed to use it so I just took them out and placed them on the counter beside the microwave and then she gets all bitchy and snarky and huffs that now it’s all contaminated and ruined because I touched it and that I’m disgusting and now she has to throw it out, and goes on and on, as if I have cooties, or leprosy, or something, like I’m a leper, or one of the Untouchables, like in the Bible when a leper approaches a camp and the people shield their faces,backing away and shout, Unclean! Unclean! Why are they so mean to me though? What exactly is their problem? Maybe it simply comes down to this: they’re just mean people and I’m an easy target.Or maybe my kids just suck?

Tomorrow recreational marijuana is legalized as well and so I will expect a haze of smoke wafting over the entire country in celebration as we celebrate accordingly….Peter Tosh would have been so happy.




Last night My Boy was kidnapped! The 17 YR old said she’s been hearing mice in her room during the night scurrying around and it freaks her out and keeps her awake at night so she decided to “kidnap” Buddy out of my room(where he sleeps) during the night to catch the mice in her room. So, she(along with the help of the 15 YR old and my hubby) decided to try and sneak him out of my room during the night once I fell asleep. Their original attempt didn’t go so well; there’s no way he’d ever allow anyone to remove him physically while he was guarding me as I slept, plus I also had fallen asleep with my arm around him and he wouldn’t let anyone take him away from me without a fight, and at the very least he’d bark and growl and I’d wake up, so they had to get out the Big Guns and lure him away instead of trying to grab him.That’s dirty pool!! My hubby used the annoying squeaker that he knows he hates and blew on that….and he came charging out of my room, following the sound….and then they grabbed him and locked him in her room!

I later woke up not too long after, realized he was gone, and let him stay for awhile, realizing what they were doing, and opened up my bedroom door(which they had closed, I guess so I wouldn’t notice anything) so he could come back when he wanted….except they’d locked him in her room, but when I got up again at 5 am to go pee and I noticed he was still  gone I was like, OK, enough is enough, I’m going to get my dog and bring him back where he belongs,  so I picked the lock in seconds (because extractions are one of my specialties from my past; don’t ask why) and he was laying across the foot of her bed and he must have heard me as he didn’t bark and  his head had perked up and when he saw me his tail started wildly thumping and I picked him up and brought him back into my room with me where we snuggled in bed for another hour or so. His right eye(I  think the same eye that had the lump under it before) is swollen now as well, and it’s on the same side as his missing toe so maybe he hit it on the coffee table when he fell down the other day and it’s the dog equivalent of a black eye, or maybe it’s an insect bite, esp. as I did also see a wasp near him the other day and heard him yelp….

hippos10 My friend W (in Ottawa) also told me he saw hippo home decor (such as the one pictured here) at his Wal-Mart and he suggested I go to their site online and look….and  low and behold, there it was, and on sale, too, reduced from 21$ down to 15$ so I ordered it….

hippos11 along with this cool hippo mug as well. I don’t drink tea or coffee  but I can use it for other stuff,too, such as hot chocolate( in the winter) or to store pens and pencils in. Odd though is that they don’t deliver. They deliver to the closest Wal-Mart and I have to go to the store and pick it up, but they don’t deliver it to my house. I thought that was kind of weird. Just like when we first moved here we had to share taxis. I’d never seen that before. I also got a letter in the mail from the neurologist in Kingston informing me that my app’t the end of November has been changed to early November…..but the thing is I didn’t even know I had that app’t! No one ever told me (he didn’t mail me a letter with the app’t date like he usually does) so it’s good it was switched otherwise I’d never have known.


The 23 YR old also made some $$$$$ doing odd jobs so he went out and bought some new clothes, incl. the ones here. I think he looks like a pimp, ha, ha(and no, he’s NOT GAY in case you were wondering; he had a long-term GF for YRS). I like and admire his expressive style though and encourage it,being unique, just as long as it’s not against God ( such as girls’ not too short or revealing or any occult symbols,Goth, or anything like that) I just hope he doesn’t get beat up by some dumb redneck or something ! He’s always been a ham,too; a funny guy and a jokester as well as one of my faves. He’s one of the three I’ve always been closest to, at least when they were younger, but now none of them love me anymore. 😦

It was weird as well I was laying down and I felt like something was literally turning  around and churning in my belly but it wasn’t my stomach; it was lower down, in my abdomen, and it actually felt like when you’re prego and you can feel the baby kick for the first time and if I wasn’t 51, in menopause, and haven’t been laid in 12 years (since I got prego with the youngest) I’d even wonder if I was prego, esp. since my other symptoms are the same as while prego,too, incl. extreme fatigue, ravenous hunger, really sore lower back, no Aunt Flow in 14 weeks or so, nausea, headaches, weight gain… even though the absent period is due to menopause and the hunger and weight gain either because of my heavy weed use( ha,ha!) or side-effects of my medications,or maybe it’s the way it is with menopause… but in any case, my doctor ordered a pelvic ultrasound ( finally!) next month to try and find out the cause of my abdomenal pain which I still have on and off. Maybe my colon’s twisting or blocking or something, or the inflamed sacs are even popping or something?


My Bloat.

NewHippos In case you didn’t know, a herd of hippos is called a bloat. You learn something new every day. When I went to the Ex I got these new beauties to add to my collection. It’s always fun being on the “hunt” looking for new pieces to add to my collection, which now makes up close to some 30 pieces, just the figurines, not incl. the stuffed toys,and I enjoy getting them in different mediums, too, such as in wood, stone such as marble, ivory, etc. porcelain,,brass, glass,etc. From all the walking around at the Ex my poor body’s begging for mercy as well: my back ( from carrying around my heavy backpack full of hippos…..they’re right…..hippos really are heavy and weigh a ton!) and legs are all really stiff and sore and are killing me. I can hardly even move. On top of that, my abdomenal pain is back again,too, so today is a R&R Day: Rest and Recovery.

Collection1 Here is the rest of my collection, taken in a series of 3 photos in order to cover them all. They all now currently reside on my bedroom dresser top.


bloat2 and there you have it!

As well, my hubby and kids always mind-f*ck me by saying that the Edmonton Boys take and sell drugs  and then they’ll never say if they’re just trying to freak me out or if it’s actually true or not, and they make fun of the way my mother and I pronounce Caribbean as well: we say Care-a-bee-an and they said the correct way is Ca-rib- bee-an but either way is  acceptable and correct and is most likely a regional thing, depending where you live how you pronounce it, and I’ve heard other people say it the same way we do,too, even though they said it’s only us that say it like that,and I know that my hubby isn’t the One for me,either; he can’t be; your life-long partner should make you feel loved, special, safe, secure, wanted, important, valued, protected, beautiful, respected, and the like but he makes me feel unloved, unwanted, ugly, stupid, small, inferior, worthless, useless, insignificant, unimportant, devalued, rejected, unlovable, and diminished.

I’ve all but given up hope that there’s anyone out there for me. I mean, who’s going to want an old, fat, ugly middle-aged woman with Asperger’s, Bipolar, depression,social phobia, etc? That’s just too much baggage, too much to handle, and no return. What do I possibly have to offer anyone except for love,and is that enough? I know other fat, ugly, messed-up people find love yet somehow it always seems out of my reach and unattainable. My hubby was the “best” I could do and even he doesn’t want me anymore and got tired of me, just as everyone always eventually does. Maybe I’m just one of those lone wolf people that are just meant to be alone?

I also did my hair back into a Buzz- cut again. It’s always so freeing. I almost feel “empowered” in a way, like the Phoenix rising from the flames.It’s like the true “inner” me is released and I can express my true, real self. It’s just so liberating,and let’s face it, I’m never going to be attractive anyway, no matter what I do with my hair, whether I’m bald, have a Buzz-cut, short hair or long hair; it really doesn’t matter; I’m still always going to be ugly anyway; it’s not like I’m going to look any more ugly, and I already look like a man, so it won’t make any difference having a Buzz-cut, so I might as well just have a style that I  like and that best personifies me and best suits me and my personality and if the right person ever should come along then he’ll love me for me anyway, just as I am, Buzz-cut and all.If not, f*ck it; at least I have hair I like and I’m doing it for me,anyway.



Screenshot_1024 This entire weekend my hubby, the 15 YR old and the 17 YR old are away in Toronto, visiting the second-oldest before she moves to Vancouver next month, shopping, and going to Wonderland theme park, so it was just my mother, the 23 YR old, the 11 YR old, Buddy and I at home it I had a quiet break too with less people, less noise, less work,and less stress.No clocks, no schedule, just doing whatever, whenever. It was esp. nice with my hubby not here. They also met up with the 21 YR old and they were supposed to meet up with the 19 YR old as well and have a Girls’ Day Out except she couldn’t get the time off work and it was already hard enough for them all to arrange and day and co-ordinate all their schedules where they were all off and free on the same day and made plans and had to keep changing it so many times because someone had to work or wasn’t available.

The 11 YR old’s such an uber-genius as well he knows all kinds of things I have no idea about and he asked me to change a decimal to a binary number(and, of course, math has always been my worst subject!) and I’m like, Whaat? I don’t even know what a binary number even is…. (I thought nowadays the term binary had something to do with gender identity, although I’m not sure exactly what it means).I think that’s the worst thing about smart people is that they make dumb people like me feel even dumber.

BuddyEye Buddy’s eye is also looking much better now and still flattened down and hasn’t filled up again into another lump and now it just looks like a cut and I put a antibiotic cream on it several times a day. I worry about him like he’s one of my kids! I was wondering as well with my severe abdomenal pain(which is much better now although the odd time it flares up to remind me, generally as a sharp pain shooting thru and my back is still really bad) if maybe it was just my diverticulitis acting up? Remember a few months ago a CT scan showed I have it, which is basically inflamed sacs, or pouches, in the colon, and during flare-ups they can become infected. Maybe that’s what it was for the 5 days or so, esp. since I had diarrhrea,too….or maybe my hubby really is poisoning me like he said he was?Poisoning is esp. brutal on the intestines,liver, kidneys, and stomach.

I also noticed last night the entire under-side of my left leg where it bends under the knee and the entire under-side of my left thigh is a deep,dark bruise and I have some purple blotchy bruise-y areas on my arms and chest as well, almost as if my platelets are low causing me to bruise excessively, which is also a symptom of being poisoned,and I know rat poison destroys platelet cells, so your blood can’t clot and that’s how you die; you bleed out,so it just makes me wonder and I wouldn’t put it past him and he does hate me and want to get rid of me and he’s even said he puts poison in my diet cola and that he’s trying to kill me off for my life insurance $$$$(he says he’s just joking but that’s not a “joke” and with him you never know…)….

It was kind of suspicious the other day as well when I mentioned if I die the autopsy will show the cause and he said how oh, they won’t do one on me given my medical history; they’ll just assume that’s what it was and he seemed so confident, so sure, of this, and I told him that any suspicious or unexplained death they do perform autopsies to find out the cause… so don’t get so smug, asshole, thinking you can kill me and get away with murder because in my will revision I’ll request they do an autopsy(and mention my concerns why) and you will get caught!! Plus, I’ve also told my doctor and others my suspicions so I have witnesses,and I have evidence saved and hidden so if the police come looking they’ll find it and can test it for poison residue, so there’s that,too….Always make sure you have back up.

I was also outside at 8 am and heard the next door neighbours and it was a woman’s voice loudly yelling to either her husband or her kid:Get your f*cking ass down here right now! so I waited to hear a response, curious to see who she was talking to, and then I heard her again, this time less mad and more cheerful, There’s my little f*cker! and after awhile I heard a fairly deep male voice( so either her husband or teen son but not a little kid): It’s so early! I’m telling you right now I’m going right back to sleep! and then mumbling I couldn’t hear,and then the man/boy again, But I did help out! I mowed the lawn, remember? My guess: her teen son, calling him to get up and do some chores and he wanted to sleep in during his summer vacation. 🙂



The 23 YR old and I went to an annual ethnic festival in a nearby town. This year they changed the name to multicultural; I guess someone got offended at the term ethnic; someone’s always getting offended about something. People really need to grow a pair! They had vendors selling stuff, food from around the world and live music and dance.My abdomenal pain is getting better and less severe now; now a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale instead of an 8 or a 9 but now my lower back is worse. It’s always something. I also have these sharp twinges that shoot thru my abdomen now,too, but it’s not as tender to the touch. I wonder what it was though?Could it have maybe been E-Coli or something? Maybe my hubby really is poisoning me or something like he said he was? I’m disappointed it’s getting better actually; I was hoping it would kill me and I was dying. I was looking forward to it and now I’m let down…..yet again.

My mother gave me $$$$ and told me to pick her up some food at the festival but didn’t specify which food; she just said to get something good and there weren’t too many choices; they said they had 11 food vendors but there weren’t that many. I thought the 23 YR old had his own $$$ for food as well but he didn’t( he never does) so I had to use what I had for mine and hers and divide the 2 dishes(all I had $$$ for) up and share it between the 3 of us but I sat him down with some of it while I stood in line and waited for the rest…..and when I got back he’d already eaten most of it….holy shit….there was only a bit left of the one serving plus one other so I only took a few bites of the chicken and rice and saved the rest for her. We got Indian curry and butter chicken. After all that when I brought it home she took one look at it and huffed, I don’t want this! It’s too spicy! Why do I even bother?

My surviving sunflower was all droopy and wilted as well and it’s my only lone survivor but after extensive watering luckily it perked up  and I’m glad; I don’t want to lose the only one I have left, and taking Buddy for his early morning walk I saw a raccoon too even though they usually come out at night, and Buddy scratched the lump on his face and must have popped it as it was bleeding…..but it made it shrink down smaller and deflate much flatter so maybe it was just a blood blister or something?I just hope it doesn’t fill up again…

I had the 15 YR old weigh herself as well as it’s been 6 months since her therapy for her eating disorder ended and I was shocked to see she’s lost 18 pounds and now only weighs 96 pounds! She insists she hasn’t purposely been doing anything but it worries me as I have no idea what she does with the food I send with her all day for her volunteer work; if she actually really does eat it or not or just gives it away or throws it out, so we’re going to make sure to fatten her up when she is  at home and we can  supervise her and keep an eye on what she’s eating. She was doing so well in her recovery and we don’t want her to relapse and go back to where she was before which was a very dangerous place to be.If only she knew how much I love her and worry about her and want her to be ok.

The Buffet.

Screenshot_985 My mother, the 23 YR old, the 15 YR old and I went to a Chinese buffet for my mother’s birthday. My hubby and the 11 YR old went to Pizza Hut and the 17 YR old was working. I thought My abdomenal pain seems like it’s a bit better so I’ll be ok…. but it was really hard trying to sit and I couldn’t get comfortable and every time we hit a bump in the road pain  would shoot thru me yet despite my abdomen feeling like it was exploding my hubby didn’t care and he tried to kick me out of my usual seat( front passenger seat, the one we call The Death Seat as statistically the person sitting in that seat is the most likely to be killed in a collision) so my mother could sit there(as it has more leg room) and scrunch me into the cramped back, and in the restaurant I had to keep shifting around as well and wasn’t really able to enjoy it because I was so uncomfortable and in so much pain.I feel really sweaty at times too(and during the night I’d wake up drenched in sweat, the front of my shirt all wet)and the pain kept still waking me up,too,and I could finally suntan but still not lay on my stomach to tan my back; I had to “modify” it( instead of laying down flat) by arching my hips and bending my knees, with my butt up in the air, putting the weight on my knees and having my abdomen off the ground, not laying on it..

This time she wanted to try out a different place and not our usual one but it wasn’t as good. It had more yucky Canadian food and less actual Chinese food and what it did have wasn’t as good as at the other place, the staff were all white and not Chinese like at the other place and it kind of ruined it, and it was so crowded too and then 6 bus loads of tourists came in as well and it was packed, and to top it off our waitress was a snarky bitch who took forever to get the order(the 15 YR old wanted to order off the menu, not do the buffet), screwed it up after all that,and when I informed her about it she was really rude and bitchy, and she also gave the 23 YR old a nasty look so when we left we only left her a 15 cent tip. HA HA. I got the most amazing fortune cookie too: it said God holds you in the palm of His hand  and the 23 YR old said it sounds like I’m dying. Hopefully I am…. maybe I’ll die tomorrow…..Friday the 13th…bad luck….get it? My mother said 13 has always been bad luck for her: she was married on the 13th, her marriage ended on the 13th and she lost a job on the 13th!

Today the lump on Buddy’s face was also smaller when he first woke up but once he was up for awhile and after he was outside it got really big again and he was rubbing it against the carpet too like it was itchy and he was scratching it so I wonder if maybe it might even be some sort of allergy? He does sneeze alot as well so it does make me wonder. I pressed on it as well(it feels hard and rubbery, like an eyeball, actually) and he yelped, so it must hurt,too, poor thing so I put an ice pack on it for awhile to give him some relief and help with the swelling.

The 15 YR old also said if my pain’s that bad why not go to the ER but truthfully I also don’t want it to be treated; I hope it kills me, I want to die,and I’m ready to die; I have been for a long time and I’ve been waiting for this. This could finally be my chance.Why would I go there and have them start a process that would prevent that? If it’s something about to rupture, an infection, or cancer going to spread, I’ll just let it take it’s course and eagerly wait for the end, and at least I have comfort knowing that God holds me in the palm of His hand.