
Heatwave(July2015) Yesterday and today are sooo stifling hot it’s in the 30 C range and with the humidex feels like in the 40’s! The only way we can keep cool is to be in the pool all day and even Buddy went for a swim and it’s good exercise and therapy for his bad back as well as a good way for him to cool off. The 12 YR old also got this beachball and we had fun playing with that in the pool and the water’s back to green again,too( it was only blue for 1 day) so I guess it’s just something that we have to live with, but I did “shock” it yesterday morning before we used it so it IS clean and later last night I “super shocked” it using chlorine in a crystalized powdered form yet no matter how many chemicals I put into it the water’s always green! The 8 YR old with his black goggles and blue swim trunks also looks like a Minion!

When my hair’s wet swimming I end up looking like Julius Caesar was well, the 12 YR old got a sunburn on her shoulders and back, and we had a BBQ. We’re supposed to get a bad thunderstorm today as well but it should also cool it down a bit,too. They said on the news that this weekend is the hottest that we’ve had in 3 YRS! While I was laying out suntanning a dirty bird also flew by and shit on me! It landed on my leg and Patti says it’s supposed to be “good luck” (I don’t believe in any of that hokus-pokus, mumbo, jumbo, voodoo, hoodoo superstitious stuff) but I just thought it was gross.I’m just glad it didn’t land in my hair though! It’s so hot it feels like your eyes are melting! We’ll be sleeping with the A/C on tonight…..