The Mess.

Housekeeping Our house is a pigsty. When it was just my mother and I our houses were clean and neat but ever since the kids came now a pig would be embarrassed to live in it. Just before I had my first child a friend at my mother’s work told me to take a photo of my clean house and said, “It’ll never look like this again” and she was right. Our house always looks like a tornado hit it, with clutter piled up all over, clothes, toys, shoes, papers, etc. and every horizontal space is filled, all tables piled up,there is no clear space and as soon as something HAS been cleaned and cleared in a matter of just 1-2 days it’s back to messy again; cleaning our house is just like shovelling snow while it’s still snowing.

When the insurance guy came to inspect our house he recommended “basic housekeeping” as well and I was insulted, angry, and embarrassed, but with 10 people living in the house( 7 of them kids) what does he expect? With all of those people come alot of stuff; lots of clothes, lots of clutter, lots of mess. We can never have a house big enough to contain all our stuff without making it look cluttered, junky,and messy. I’m so embarrassed that we’re such slobs that I don’t have people over and refuse to have people in the house because I don’t want them to see the mess, esp. Patti as I don’t want her to judge me as she’s this neat-freak and I don’t want her to see what pigs we are’ she’d be horrified.It’s not like the house doesn’t ever get cleaned either; everyone is always told to clean up their own mess and pick up after themselves….they just don’t bother because they’re too damn lazy,and everyone does have their chores they have to do in order to get their allowance, but as soon as it gets clean it just gets messy again; it’s a never-ending cycle.

We even have ants and mice as well because the kids leave food all over; they’re just gross.Sometimes I think that the dog is the cleanest one of them all. One day though all the kids will have moved out and taken all their crap with them and once again the house will be nice and clean again but of course I’ll probably be dead by then so until then I just have to step over it, kick it out of the way, close the door, shove it under the bed, or just try to ignore it. It’s not my job to pick up after everyone; they’re old enough to clean up their own mess and I’m not their slave, and besides, it’s waaaay too much work for one person,and what’s the point,anyway, it just gets messy again as soon as you clean it; it’s a no-win battle!