
Obama The 12 YR old has this “thing” about US President Obama. It’s like she’s obsessed with him or has this “fascination” with him or something. She’s always talking about him, admires him, says it’s her dream to meet him, jokes that he’s her “husband”, is always making these jokes, “Obama walks into a bar…..” it’s like she’s his Number One Fan. She said if she ever got a Make A Wish like the terminally ill kids do hers would be to meet Obama. It’s the strangest thing. It’s funny though. As for me, I have mixed feelings for him; there are equally things I like and dislike about his policies; I DO like his tough stance on gun control as USA does have a big problem with gun violence and something needs to be done about it, and I like his idea of trying to implement universal health care for all, but I don’t agree with his supporting sin such as abortion and same-sex “marriage.”

As well, I fell asleep outside yesterday; I was laying down on the porch swing resting and fell asleep, the 19 YR old somehow cut the INSIDE of her eyelid while she was asleep even though it seems like a virtually impossible thing to do when one’s eyes are shut, and the 12 YR old chided me it’s my own fault for having so many kids as I “don’t know how to keep my legs shut!” She’s had such attitude lately, I don’t know who left HER cage door open! I also laughed my ass off hearing the website Ashley Madison( for married people to cheat on their spouses) was hacked and confidential info will be exposed and as soon as I heard one word came to mind: KARMA! I also commented on this big woman who got a make-over how good she looked and looked 10 YRS younger and the 20 YR old gruffed she “looks like garbage!” as he hates all fat people and thinks they’re all ugly because he’s mean like that. He also calls Asians “Ching-Chongs” and it really bothers me that he thinks like that.