My Tattoo.

TattooGun I got the hippo tattoo I wanted on the top of my foot! I went to the tattoo place as I can’t wait around forever for my brother-in-law to do it( and anyone who knows me knows that waiting isn’t one of my strong points, ha,ha) A tattoo gun is pictured here for those of you who have no idea what one looks like. This is something like my 12th or 13 th tattoo; I don’t know; I’ve lost count, but it was definitely one of the most painful, as the upper foot has no “meat”, just skin and bone and some areas were more tender than others and I had to do my deep breathing like in labour and was dizzy from the pain and winced. My mother asked if they give you any “freezing” for the pain and I just laughed. I told her you just suck it up. Can you imagine some biker getting a tattoo and asking,”Can I have some freezing, man?” I’ve birthed 11 kids, had several surgeries, gallstones,and endured relentless migraines, so I think I can handle a tattoo without “freezing.”

Bandage It took 2 HRS in total and cost 200$, twice what I had expected so it’s good I brought extra $$$! Part of my foot just went numb after awhile it hurt so much and it’s really swollen. I have to wear this bandage for 24 HRS and even for a few HRS later it still hurt like f*ck. Now it still stings at times and at times I also get these “shooting” nerve pains. While I was getting it done sometimes the needle would hit a nerve as well and it would twitch and they had a reclining chair like in the dentist’s office and the guy said he’s been doing tattoos for 12 YRS.

HippoTattoo1 This is the tattoo I had done and the picture I brought in only he reversed the orange and yellow as he said yellow really fades so he didn’t want to have it as a dominant colour so he made more orange with just a touch of yellow.I also had him add 2 top teeth on the hippo as on the one here they forgot them for some reason and it really bothered me. My hubby dropped me off but wasn’t able to pick me up and said I had to wait 2  1/2 HRS for him as he had a phone call for work so I took a taxi home and the cabbie  saw my bandage and noticed me limping and asked me why did I get a tattoo if it hurt. The kids ask what getting one feels like and the best way to describe the feeling would be like a combination of being cut with an X-acto knife and keep getting stung over and over by bees combined.Sometimes it also stings like how it feels when you fall off your bike and skin your knee and get road rash.

As well, the hose in our washing machine is leaking and we had a flood of water all over the floor and replacing it wasn’t an easy thing to find either and my hubby had to look all over for it, in several stores and even go to another town before he finally found it….and then after all that THAT hose was leaking,TOO! Doesn’t it figure? Just OUR “luck!”