Never Get To Blossom.

Screenshot_133 This is Sunny The Sunflower. It’s tall now, around 3 feet but still no sign of any flower and now it’s sickly-looking, wilted and dying. Maybe it’s defective? Asexual? Infertile? I always seem to get the brokem defective stuff. This poor wilted little flower reminds me of myself in life: never got a chance to blossom. Both of us will likely live our lives and then just wither up and die without ever blossoming, without ever blooming. We grow bigger, we grow taller, we endure the hardships and storms of life,we age and mature, but we never get to blossom, never get to bloom into the pretty flower, never get to become something beautiful, never get to our potential, never get to shine, never get to contribute to the garden, never get our time in the sun, never get to be picked for our beauty, never get to be a flower, but just stay a plant but never progress, grow, or transform beyond that and then just wither up and die without ever getting to blossom. Maybe it’s sheltered too much inside and hasn’t got a chance to grow properly, or maybe it’s just stunted or missed out on certain opportunities in life and wasn’t able to blossom, also like me? This pathetic and struggling little plant is so symbolic of me and my life; struggling, surviving, but never get to blossom.

Screenshot_132 The Daily Bruise: Day 7. It’s been a whole week now and it still looks this good! I wonder how long it will take until it heals up completely? I also have this massive headache and I tried another allergy med as well and I still have the constant runny stuffy nose and it made me wonder: maybe it’s actually not just my allergies afterall but in actual fact something else that mimics the same symptoms and I just assume it’s my allergies? Maybe it’s even a tumour in my sinus or CSF or something somehow leaking from my brain causing headaches and what I just think are my usual allergies, esp. since the usual allergy meds no longer work anymore to relieve them, unless I’m just somehow immune to them now, or something? I also hope with my mother’s back pain that she doesn’t have bone cancer or something, affecting her spine,causing the pain, although you’d think something like that would have showed up in the scans….

Screenshot_134 I was also bored and so I drew this little stretching baby hippo doodle. Just because.

Screenshot_136  Here is my little sweetie.He actually poses for the camera. He’s such a ham. I just love him so much.He is my heart, my joy, my light, my love, my life, my everything. I’m so grateful God sent him to me and getting him was the best thing that ever happened to me. I could never thank God enough for the blessing and gift that He gave me when He gave him to me. I prayed for Him to send me someone to love me and He did: pure selfless unconditional love.

Epic Bruise.

Screenshot_70 Check out my epic bruise! This is what the blood clot in my varicose vein in my leg I had yesterday has turned into now, this massive bruise. It was a hard, hot, painful lump yesterday and it hurt when I was trying to sleep, turning over and changing position in bed hurt, but when I woke up the lump had dissolved by itself, the clot had broken up and changed into the bruise and now it just feels achy like a normal bad bruise but it’s gigantic; 4 inches across and 5 inches long!

Screenshot_72 The photo doesn’t even really do it justice; it’s actually a much deeper, darker purple in real life but a glare of light seems to be reflecting off the picture and makes it appear lighter than it actually is. I must say, it’s quite impressive, and to be this visible thru my suntan is quite something. I can only imagine how much of a more brilliant dark purple it would appear in the winter on my pale pasty white-girl skin! This has got to be one of my best bruises ever! One of my friends said I should see the doctor but knowing him he’d just shrug and say, It’s just a bruise. Leave it alone. It’ll clear up on it’s own.

I also figured if Patti is coming around again the reason would be obvious: it’s been 6 months since her dog and Buddy mated and she got pregnant and she’d be in heat again so the bitch probably is hoping I’d fall for it again; to resume the friendship, thinking she can just use me, betray me and dump me, and then just come back and pick up where she left off as if nothing happened and have the dogs mate again for another litter of puppies but even I’m not so stupid. She just used me to get the puppies and then dumped me once she got what she wanted and I’m not stupid enough to bother with her ever again. I don’t need people like that! Buddy’s such a good boy too when I was napping and he had to go out he came up to my face and put his nose right up to me, and licked my eyes and nose, waking me up, telling me he had to go, instead of doing it in the house.

It’s also convenient too how my mother said her back pain( which has resumed and it will be a week tomorrow it’s been back) lasts during the daytime but always seems to clear up around 5 pm and be ok in the evening and night….. once all the work is done for the day, such as cooking, laundry, dishes, garbage, etc… I think she’s using it as an excuse to just get out from having to do anything around the house and to have me take over everything so she doesn’t have to do anything. I’ll help do her regular work but I refuse to feed the squirrels like she does( she’s obsessed with them,actually) because the little f*ckers killed my sunflower seedlings and they can starve for all I care, so, despite being in so much supposed pain and agony she still got up and fed them. What happened to being bedridden and unable to do anything?Hmmmm…..

The Wrong Tree.

Screenshot_1183  I was outside and I saw 2 squirrels sitting in a tree, a black squirrel and a grey one and the grey one I didn’t even notice at first as he almost blended in completely with the tree; he was camoflauged, but the black squirrel stuck out and was really noticable and I remember saying to myself how he doesn’t blend in…. and then I thought about it for a minute and then re-phrased it, He’s just in the wrong tree.It’s not that he doesn’t blend in. In the right tree he’d blend in. If the tree had dark brown bark instead of grey-ish he would have been hidden. It got me thinking: it all depends on how you look at it,and it also reminded me that I’m like that squirrel in life.(and my tree would be a rose-gold glittery palm tree.)

I have never blended in, been the same as other people,don’t fit in, and have always stood out, been different, been an outcast, the odd one out, the one that doesn’t belong, the one that doesn’t blend in and I always thought it was me but maybe there’s nothing wrong with me( other than the obvious, that is) maybe I’m just in the wrong tree? I just have to find the right people, the right group, my Clan, my Tribe, my People, my fit, my niche, my Home, my team, my squad, my comrades, my place where they’re the same as me and we can all relate….like how I did at the YMCA group in Ottawa in the late 80’s, the only time I ever felt accepted, welcomed, part of the group, fit in, liked, and belonged. I found it once, maybe I can find it again? I just have to find other fellow-minded people that are also shiny, glittery, off-beat,crazy-ass,free spirit, sunflower, hippo people like me….

Screenshot_1185 My cut sunflowers have also opened up, and I was outside with Buddy and heard a gunshot so we came inside and Buddy just bolted up and ran in like a bat out of hell, and I knew it was a gunshot too and not fireworks as there was just the one bang! and no echo, unlike fireworks which always come with an echo, more like a boom! boom! My hubby in cleaning and packing up prepping to move is also throwing out lots of stuff, incl. other people’s things and he doesn’t even look and check or ask to see if they even want it thrown out or if they want to keep it; he just chucks it out,and I’ve rescued a few things from the garbage and I tell him not everything has to be thrown out and we are allowed to keep some things,and he kept tossing out the Shel Silverstein books I love too and I had to keep fishing them out for garbage and I finally just ended up hiding them. Books should never be thrown out( or burned) though but always kept or donated so that someone will always be able to love and enjoy them.

Screenshot_1186 This is also my sad pathetic, wilted and last sunflower, on it’s last legs yet I still won’t give up on it. I’m determined to “resurrect” it and have it perk up. I still faithfully keep watering it and every day I go outside I bring it out with me and sit it in the sun and then bring it back inside later in the day so the squirrels and raccoons won’t ruin it. I keep putting hope, love, time, and effort into it hoping eventually it will pay off and I’ll eventually get a nice sunflower in the end, despite all the set- backs. It reminds me of me and my life. I could be that sunflower: despite all the set-backs,hardships, teetering on the edge. losing hope, trials and barely holding on, some days it looks like it’s starting to perk up and other days it’s almost dead, and even on days it’s looking particularly haggard , wilted,and weary it still holds on, endures, survives,and lives on, and with hope and care, maybe it can make it one day? Just like me. We just need time,love,care,hope, and the right conditions to blossom.  Sometimes though, despite our best efforts trying to hold on, the outside environment is just too hostile and we can’t withstand the storm or survive the elements and we wither away and die.

I also notice as well that I’m increasingly having trouble distinguishing between reality and imagination/ fantasy and being able to tell if something’s real or not or if I just imagined it, dreamed it, or if it was a hallucination, and my hallucinations are increasing in frequency as as well, both visual and auditory, and the paranoia is getting worse as well, as well as increasing anxiety and it’s hard struggling when you can’t even trust your own mind and you can feel yourself losing your grip on reality and spiraling down the slippery slope of insanity being lost in the haze of mental illness, feeling it carrying you off, helpless to escape it and I don’t know if it’s due to my white matter deterioration or just my Asperger’s, bipolar,and depression, or maybe some of each?

Both my mother and I have such bad memories and are so forgetful as well we’re like a TV comedy sitcom about senile old folks. I hadn’t remembered if she’d put the suntan oil on my back or not( I can’t reach back there myself and need a hand) so I asked her if she did it yet or not and she didn’t remember either and goes, I must have done it…..don’t you remember? and then I told her, I don’t remember….and if you did do it, don’t you remember doing it? and she said she didn’t remember,either, and then I reasoned, Well, is my back all shiny? If it is, then the oil’s been put on, so she looked and said it was,and the tanning oil had been put back in the cupboard, so I guess she did. We have days like this, moments like this, and conversations like this all the time. I think I’m losing my mind.


Screenshot_1105 This is my one last, lone surviving sunflower. The poor thing is dying. The leaves are less green and getting yellow and wilted now. Maybe it doesn’t get enough sun, I don’t know. It figures. I fail at trying to grow sunflowers too just like I fail at everything. I’m just a failure in life. I can’t think of one thing that I’ve tried that I’ve gotten right or succeeded at and haven’t failed at. It doesn’t seem to matter if it’s big things(like raising kids) or small things( like trying to grow sunflowers) no matter what it is I always seem to find a way to f*ck it up. You can only imagine how that makes me feel, how each failure chips away at my already non-existant self-esteem, how it breaks me down continously and tears me down until there’s nothing left. Why can’t I ever do anything right? Why can’t anything ever just work out for me?

I went to Confession in church yesterday and the priest told me that other people in the parish actually admire me and wish they were me but they don’t know what my life’s really like, how badly my family treats me, how much I suffer,my struggles,my brokenness and trauma, how much I hate myself and my life and want to die, all the suicide attempts, how dark my life is,how desperate I am to escape my existance, and it just floored me; I mean, who would ever want to be me? I don’t even want to be me! He knows the truth, the real me and what I really live with and says he prays for me every day. If only they knew what my life’s really like and how desperately unhappy I am and how I pray to God each night begging Him to take me, and how lonely I am for human love , for human contact, for human affection, to have someone hold me at night and tell me that everything’s going to be ok and that they love me but instead I just count the days waiting to die.This is what my life’s been reduced to.

I also saw The Rich Lady there yesterday in church too and she was a vision in white; she looked so beautiful. I wish I was confident and elegant like her. It makes me wonder as well what her life is like, what it’s really like and not just what I see, what it appears to be on Sundays, with her so perfectly put together, dressed so sophisticated and stylish, so elegant-looking; I wonder if she too, like me, secretly hides a hidden pain, a secret darkness in her life,too, a hidden pain no one knows about?Does she perhaps too suffer a painful existance that can’t be seen from the outside? Or, maybe she really is a person who has it all put together. Happy people actually do exist and so do good marriages and loving families. Just not for me. You never really know what people’s lives are like,though,  what secrets, darkness, and pain they carry, what burdens and sorrows they endure behind closed doors.That’s why I’m never really too shocked to hear about a suicide. I get it.More than you’ll ever know.

Screenshot_1104 The damn mice also bit this huge hole right thru our sofa made of Italian leather, ruining it, taking stuffing out to build their nests and for all we know they might even have a nest somewhere inside the sofa itself,too. I just wish for once that something good would happen. I’m just so sick of all this shit, all this bad luck, everything always going wrong, so many set-backs ,expenses, disappointments, unmet expectations, problems, financial issues, stresses, issues,second-rate crap,crisis, etc. I keep waiting for my miracle, my break, but it never comes…..



The 23 YR old and I went to an annual ethnic festival in a nearby town. This year they changed the name to multicultural; I guess someone got offended at the term ethnic; someone’s always getting offended about something. People really need to grow a pair! They had vendors selling stuff, food from around the world and live music and dance.My abdomenal pain is getting better and less severe now; now a 6 out of 10 on the pain scale instead of an 8 or a 9 but now my lower back is worse. It’s always something. I also have these sharp twinges that shoot thru my abdomen now,too, but it’s not as tender to the touch. I wonder what it was though?Could it have maybe been E-Coli or something? Maybe my hubby really is poisoning me or something like he said he was? I’m disappointed it’s getting better actually; I was hoping it would kill me and I was dying. I was looking forward to it and now I’m let down…..yet again.

My mother gave me $$$$ and told me to pick her up some food at the festival but didn’t specify which food; she just said to get something good and there weren’t too many choices; they said they had 11 food vendors but there weren’t that many. I thought the 23 YR old had his own $$$ for food as well but he didn’t( he never does) so I had to use what I had for mine and hers and divide the 2 dishes(all I had $$$ for) up and share it between the 3 of us but I sat him down with some of it while I stood in line and waited for the rest…..and when I got back he’d already eaten most of it….holy shit….there was only a bit left of the one serving plus one other so I only took a few bites of the chicken and rice and saved the rest for her. We got Indian curry and butter chicken. After all that when I brought it home she took one look at it and huffed, I don’t want this! It’s too spicy! Why do I even bother?

My surviving sunflower was all droopy and wilted as well and it’s my only lone survivor but after extensive watering luckily it perked up  and I’m glad; I don’t want to lose the only one I have left, and taking Buddy for his early morning walk I saw a raccoon too even though they usually come out at night, and Buddy scratched the lump on his face and must have popped it as it was bleeding…..but it made it shrink down smaller and deflate much flatter so maybe it was just a blood blister or something?I just hope it doesn’t fill up again…

I had the 15 YR old weigh herself as well as it’s been 6 months since her therapy for her eating disorder ended and I was shocked to see she’s lost 18 pounds and now only weighs 96 pounds! She insists she hasn’t purposely been doing anything but it worries me as I have no idea what she does with the food I send with her all day for her volunteer work; if she actually really does eat it or not or just gives it away or throws it out, so we’re going to make sure to fatten her up when she is  at home and we can  supervise her and keep an eye on what she’s eating. She was doing so well in her recovery and we don’t want her to relapse and go back to where she was before which was a very dangerous place to be.If only she knew how much I love her and worry about her and want her to be ok.

Buddy’s Bump.

BuddyBump This is what the lump/bump under Buddy’s eye looks like and how big it is. It’s even bigger today but I’m hoping it’s nothing more than swelling and the thought came to me: maybe it’s even a spider bite, esp. since he has been going under my bed lately, a place that’s dark and where spiders are more prone to hang out? It may also be another kind of insect bite or sting,too, such as a wasp or mosquito. Today when I touched his snout he also recoiled and yelped, as if it was very painful and he looked at me with his big old sad Dachshund eyes and I wondered too if maybe it could perhaps even be a dental absess? My mother had that once and one entire side of her face all swelled up and she looked like a chipmunk with it’s cheeks full of nuts. That might explain his horrible breath that literally smells like dead mice and I lovingly refer to as Fish Breath and Death Breath.

When he yelped about his snout I gathered him up in my arms and drew him close to me, cuddling him, resting his head cradling against my chest , petting him, and he looked up at me, wagged his tail, nuzzled into me, and licked my hand. I just love him so much, I hope to God that he doesn’t have cancer or something and he’s not dying but in case he is( and he is 12 now) I’m trying to hold him and snuggle with him as much as I can, every waking hour, to let him know how much I love him,and in case it ends up being the last time I have the chance to do it. I can’t even imagine living without him. The past 4 years with him I’ve had love and companionship like no other and he has filled a void in my sad, lonely, empty life that can’t be replaced. I worry as well as he appears to have lost weight; I can see and feel his spine now and his skin is looser and baggier but when I weighed him it still said he weighs 13 pounds, the same as always,and he doesn’t act sick; he’s still eating, playing with his toys, runs over to greet me, wags his tail, etc. I just love him so much I worry and I can’t shake this bad feeling….

SunflowerJuly This is also my last one surviving sunflower, growing tall and doing well but will soon out-grow it’s windowsill home and I’ll have to move it somewhere else, where it can sit on the ground in front of a window to get sunlight, but not right in the window itself as it’s getting too tall. I also have this really gross black diarrhrea for the past 2 days, it looks like tar,which usually indicates internal bleeding, and it’s liquid(maybe it’s oil, HAHAHAHA; liquid gold, and that’s how I’ll get rich; I can refine it), it just squirts out of my ass and the abdomenal pains are back bad again as well and it really wouldn’t surprise me if I actually do have colon cancer afterall; it just somehow got missed in the tests and went undetected. It would certainly explain the abdomenal pain, the diarrhrea, the bleeding, the colon polyp, the significant weight loss, the changes in bowel habits…I think there’s more going on than just IBS…..

My mother was watching a movie as well and I walked in during a scene where a woman was on a dinner date with a Little Person( used to be called a dwarf) and she indicated how she was embarrassed to be seen out with him and that he wasn’t a “catch” and he was hurt and reminded her that neither was she and she’s one to talk, and she looked like a weathered, old dyke, like how I do, and it got me thinking how looking for love you shouldn’t just “disqualify”, discount, and reject people and not give them a chance because of things they can’t help, such as their height, weight, age, skin colour, race, ethnic background, religion, disability, etc. and how so many possible chances at love might have been missed because you reject someone for the most superficial reason, because they’re too short, or too fat, or they’re too old,or bald, should give the person a chance and look for what kind of person they are, look for traits like kindness, honesty, integrity, compassion, loyalty, etc. the things that really matter. I don’t mean settling; I mean not having such overly-high standards that you make it almost impossible for anyone to match up, and in the process over-look what’s really important and possibly end up missing out on a great person because you’re being too picky. I just wish someone saw me that way; that they could look beyond the physical and see the real me on the inside.

Mind If I Smoke?

BurnedDishwasher I had a load of dishes washing in the dishwasher and I was out in the backyard and when I came inside into the kitchen it smelled really bad, really smoky like someone had been smoking in there. It smelled like smoke and fire, really strong, and it was coming from the dishwasher. The 23 YR old said it was so bad that he could even smell up 3 floors up in his room. I’m pretty sure it’s not supposed to smell like that(esp. since it didn’t used to before) and I called my hubby to come in and check it out, to smell the smell before it all evaporated away, but he didn’t bother but I know something’s wrong( and it didn’t finish the cycle and dry,either; the dishes were still all wet, and that’s where the heat comes in, so my guess is it short-circuited somewhere and shut itself off) and I’m afraid it might catch fire, and we already had one  fire at our old house back in 1996(an electrical fire) and we certainly don’t ever need another one, plus it would also complicate us trying to sell the house and move! I’m scared to use it again and don’t think we should but my mother refuses to have anyone wash dishes by hand again( we’ve had the dishwasher for years but it was broken; the mice had chewed thru the wires but my hubby recently fixed it) and still wants to try again but I’m scared it’ll catch fire and don’t think it’s safe and I don’t think we should use it anymore.

Yesterday one of the kids also turned 17 and I can still remember when I was 17 and it doesn’t feel like that long ago, and the chili I had for dinner was NOT good for my IBS as the abdomenal cramps, pain,  and gas were back and really bad all day and I had to shit like 8 times,too, and now my poor arsehole is on fire, so my guess is the gas from the beans, and I still have that headache I had yesterday as well where I have this stabbing pain behind my left eye(must be sinus?), and only one sole survivor is left of my original 6 sunflower seedlings now, but it looks healthy and strong so I hope it makes it thru and I planted more seeds, because, why not, but I’m keeping them indoors in the windowsill.

I also tricked the 11 YR old and told him that hello in Italian is merda (I’m a bad mom, ha,ha!) and I must have been overly-enthusiastic  as well as I somehow broke my vibrator! I didn’t even know that was possible! I’m an animal!! The rubber outer “skin” came off so now it’s just the shiny metal underneath that’s exposed now. I must have really put it thru a work-out, and at first I thought it had actually broken in half! I’m so depraved! As for moving soon, I am glad to finally be leaving this redneck hick town I’ve never liked and to be going back to a city, but I do like the house though and I am going to still miss it.It’s been my home for the past 15 years and change is really hard for someone with Asperger’s.

The Revelation.

JesusMeditatingPrayer I had a revelation yesterday when I was getting down on myself again for settling in life and all my regrets over things I wish I had done but didn’t and how I wish I could go back and rewind time and do so many things over and differently in life and it came to me about settling: that settling sometimes is just a part of life, you don’t always get what you want and things don’t always turn out the way you hope and sometimes you have to make do with less and settle for less, but there are other times where you don’t, where you stay determined and stick with your goal and pursue your dream and accept nothing less; the problem is when you always compromise and settle and sell yourself short and then you deserve better.

That is me though; I’ll settle for less rather than risk nothing at all, so even if it’s not exactly what I wanted or hoped for I’ll take it for fear of missing out and ending up with nothing otherwise and I always end up with second-best or less-than and having to settle for less because what I really want is always out of reach. I’m tired of always having to settle though, to always make do with inferior stuff I don’t really want because that’s all I could get and for once I’d like to be able to attain the actual preferred and desired outcome or item, like to get the pink one that I really wanted instead of having to settle for another colour, for example, or to get the actual designer brand one instead of the cheap knock-off, or to settle for the one that’s so-so because it’s the only one left, or to get the better quality one for once instead of the cheaper one that I can afford, or to marry someone I actually love than to just settle for the first(and only) person that shows any interest in me because that’s the “best” I can do , etc.

As well, the homily at Mass yesterday also got me thinking: it was how God doesn’t require big, complicated tasks of us and He just asks us to be faithful and even the smallest, simple things to us that might seem meaningless and like nothing to us can actually have great significance to Him, and what we see as as failure in ourselves(and what others and the world sees as success and failure in us as well) God might see as a triumph, and even Jesus’ ministry on Earth  would appeared to Him and His followers as a failure: He was hated, mocked and killed and His Disciples all abandoned him and scattered…. but now look at His church and  following….it’s blossomed… and that seeds are planted and then we’re to leave the rest up to God, to just have hope and faith and sit back and let Him to His work and see what happens; that great trees can grow strong and mighty from the smallest seeds….that also got me thinking about my sunflower seeds that I’m trying so desperately to grow and so far out of 24 seeds only 2 seedlings have survived so far…maybe it’s even symbolic of my own kids: of 11 kids only 2 of them will return to God, despite my raising them all in the faith and planting the seed?

My hubby also said he’s going to call the realestate agent to come in and access the house this week, and it makes me sad as it makes moving even more real and even closer and sooner. I’m really going to miss our backyard, the pool, my bedroom(esp. the floral wallpaper) and picking fresh warm mulberries right off our trees. I just hope that there’s things at the new house wherever it is that I will also love equally as much. It’s been 2 weeks for my mother’s sore back as well and she’s slowly improving; going longer periods in-between pain and now at the worst her pain level is 8 out of 10 on the pain scale instead of a 10 but I think she’s enjoying her time off on the couch and taking advantage of it having me taking over all her household chores for her though, not having to do any work….

Father’s Day was yesterday as well which Buddy can now celebrate too, now that he’s a father, having fathered puppies 2 months ago, and about my hubby my mother snarked to me, Did you say Happy Father’s Day? and I replied, Oh, well, no one said Happy Mother’s Day to me so I thought we weren’t celebrating, and I’m still waiting for the kids to make me my Mother’s Day cards from last month! All the kids did,however, make cards for him though and even gave them to him right in front of me,too, to make a big show of it; they couldn’t have even done it in private so I’d never even have to know,rubbing it in how they do make cards for him just not for me, and pretty well every night I always wake up between 3 – 3:30 am as well and last night I also did but because of a headache and I saw a house in a dream too with a wooden front door and the top of the door was arched and curved, as opposed to a straight rectangle and I wonder if that’s what our new house will look like and if I’ll recognize it later from my dream?


sunflowersAgain The damn squirrels destroyed 4 out of the 6 sunflower seedlings I just transplanted into my garden outside, either snapping them in half or uprooting them, leaving only 2 survivors now. I started off planting 24 seeds originally and 12 of them got eaten and then of the other 12 that I brought indoors only 6 grew and now there’s only 2 left. I now dug them up yet again and re-planted them into tall glass vases and brought them back inside, back in the windowsill again and I guess they’ll just have to stay inside if they’re ever going to have any chance at survival.(This will get very challenging if they make it and get to be 6 feet tall indoors) If any of them do end up making it to full-grown they will be like me; a survivor. Enduring alot, alot of adversity in life, but keep surviving thru it all, being re-planted and buried and dug up again and again and still end up taking root and blooming thru it all and surviving the hardships….I’ve even named them: Sunny and Soleil.

I did re-plant the other 2 outside that were uprooted hoping for a miracle that they still might “take” but at least I know that these ones should be safe; I just hope that after all that they don’t die from the disruption of the “double transplant” even though I always kept and used the same soil. I don’t know why it has to be so hard for me to try to grow my sunflowers, though, seriously, and I was just so dismayed and so sad, so heart-sick, really, to see my ruined plants in the morning after putting so much work into them. I should just poison the squirrels, the little f*ckers; and to think that my mother’s always so obsessed with feeding them,too; they don’t deserve it after what they did to my sunflowers.

I’m also so forgetful and out of focus as well that I put my turkey wrap(it’s like a sandwich) in the freezer instead of the fridge, and my mother went to bed last night at 3 pm too and the day before at 6 pm; with her sore back she’s just so defeated it’s like she’s giving up now and spends all day either just laying on the couch or up in bed in her room. I had a dream as well that the 19 YR old will be the first out of all the kids to have a baby, and also a weird one about upcoming wars where the countries fighting them were symbolized by animals; one was between an eagle( I assume would be USA) and an elephant(which must be India?) and then between the eagle and a bull( Spain?) and then another between a bear(Russia?) and then I woke up so I never did get to see the final opponent.

I also heard when baby hippo Fiona was born premature at the Cincinnati Zoo that the zookeepers put her mother Bibi on birth control, fearing another repeat premature birth if not, as Fiona was her first calf, and it struck me as a curious thing; I never even knew that there was such a thing: birth control for hippos! I wonder how they do it, though? My guess would be some sort of injection or something…wouldn’t it just be easier and make more sense though to just separate the female from the male?