MRIPrep Here I am, dressed , prepped and waiting for my MRI, which I had yesterday. This time it only took about 15 minutes, I guess since they were only focusing on one specific part ( liver and bile duct) whereas the other times it took much longer, an hour or so, but it was a full-body scan. I’m glad I changed socks before I left too as the original ones I was wearing had holes in the heels and it reminded me of what my great-grandmother on my mother’s side always used to say, to make sure you never go out with holes in your underwear in case you get in an accident and then at the hospital they’ll see it and think you’re poor. The hardest part is to keep still and not move the entire time so I just went off to my Happy Place and pretended I was on the beach in the Caribbean by the ocean, under a palm tree,  in the sun. Being enclosed and strapped in the capsule like that also seemed to Sci-Fi as well and made me feel like I was about to be launched off into space somewhere and there was also this grey line that went all the way down the middle of the tube along the top and it made me wonder if it’s there for some functional reason or just to give us something to look up at while we’re entombed in there although most of the time I kept my eyes shut.

During some the test I felt a warmth on my belly and lower back and also cramping in my belly and a burning feeling in my back and abdomen, sort of like when you get a sunburn. I was worried as well it may affect my new tattoo or my manicured nails but it was fine; I didn’t end up getting stuck to the inside of the MRI walls like a magnet on a fridge or anything like that. They said they got lots of good images as well so hopefully they’ll see whatever’s there causing my liver issues, if something’s stuck in a bile duct, for example, or any masses on the liver. Waiting for my ride home I also sat and observed everyone limping and hobbling into the ER and I tried to image what they were in for, and the worst of it was I couldn’t eat or drink up to 3 hours before and I was so thirsty (I dehydrate really easily) I felt like a dried up cactus in the desert, all withering away.

On the way back I also asked my hubby to help me bring in the empty garbage and recycling that was left after pick up, that we each take half and bring it in, and I couldn’t do it all as my arms were full and he refused to help me and snorted, Just make 2 trips! He’s such an asshole and certainly no gentleman and he always does this and makes me do it all myself and never helps. My mother ordered in a pizza last night as well(and never the kind that I like but always only the one my hubby likes) and only gave me 1 slice even though she gave the 10 year old 2 slices and my hubby got 4 slices and when I said it was unfair (I get 2 slices and save one for my lunch the next day) she smirked, paid for it! and she’s always done that, used money as power and control over people and using it to punish and reward people that she likes or doesn’t like and it made me feel like a Second Class citizen in my own home. I’m always the last, the least important, the one left out, given the least; it makes me feel like a dog, being given the crap, the left-overs, the gross parts, the small pieces, the scraps, the morsels left from everyone else….the after thought…

The 16 YR old also mocked and jeered that I was “jealous” about the pizza when really I just want it to be fair and to just be included and treated like everyone else and not inferior, second-class, the one who gets whatever’s left over after the ones that matter eat first. Then she taunted me, At least I’m pretty and people like me, unlike some people! (referring to me)Bye-bye,loser! and I told her, You’re not as pretty as you think you are ( she needs to be humbled) and at least I have ethics! It really concerns me how mean she is; she’s just so full of herself, so shallow, vain and mean, like the Mean Girls in school that look down on and bully everyone else, which she does; she’s always going around saying how pretty she is and how everyone else is ugly and “beneath” her. With me being bullied for years in school that’s NOT how I raised her; it’s not right to talk to anyone like that, let alone your own mother, and my hubby never says anything because he treats me and talks to me the same way; that’s where the kids learned it from. They constantly put me down, insult me, call me names, make fun of my appearance, bully me and generally treat me like shit and then they wonder why I regret having kids, hate my family and life, am miserably unhappy,and want out…… The thought also came into my head: Anyone you meet could be your potential soul-mate…. I just hope God sends whoever it is into my life soon…I desperately need someone to show me life can be worth living again and that I’m worth loving.

I’m pissed-off as well I miss all my TV shows for an entire month because of the dumb Olympics, taking over all the TV networks and it’s not right that everyone should be disrupted and miss their regular shows; not everyone cares or watches that crap. They should put it on TSN so whoever wants to watch it can pay for it and watch 24 hours a day if they want but the rest of us aren’t disrupted and still get to watch our shows,too. That way it’s fair and everyone’s happy. That’s one of my biggest pet-peeves: missing my regular shows because of some stupid sporting event! Why does that shit always take priority, anyway? What about the rest of us, that aren’t rednecks and don’t give a rat’s ass about sports?




Happy Daze.

Screen Shot 01-17-18 at 07.09 PM This makes me happy. Sunflowers always put a smile on my face and I was sad to see that the house on the way to church that always has the sunflowers every year is now empty with a Dumpster in the driveway so the people are gone and there won’t be any more sunflowers anymore for me to enjoy. My beauty’s been taken away. The 14 year old gleefully laughed and said it’s “karma” because she’s mean that way and likes to see me upset. That’s just how my family is; they’re toxic and delight in my misery, unhappiness,and suffering. Between the way they emotionally abuse and bully me, all my medical issues, having no love or support, and struggling financially, along with the brokenness and damage from a life filled with abuse, trauma, rejection, bullying, misery, tragedy, suffering, pain,and always feeling unloved, unworthy, worthless, and a failure with no hope for it ever getting any better or any way of escape I just can’t take it anymore or keep doing this.I just want out. I don’t feel like I’m giving up, but rather I know when I’ve had enough and I know when it’s time to let go.

I went to Confession yesterday and the priest was sympathetic and kind, and showed more care and compassion for me than my own family ever has. He said that suicidal feelings aren’t a sin and it’s understandable considering my situation where I feel frustrated and trapped and he said he wished there was more he could do for me so I asked him to pray for me and he said that he would. Yesterday was particularly bad as well as it pretty much summed up how toxic and shitty my family really is and how truly sick it really is how they seem to get “off” in tormenting and mocking me.

My hubby refuses to call Buddy by his name and only ever refers to him and addresses him as Dog and I just don’t get it and when I asked him to explain it to me he outright refused and stubbornly just stood there, glaring at me, and smirked, It’s on a need-to-know basis and you don’t need to know. What the f*ck? My mother also tried to kick him because he got into the garbage and was, well, just acting like a dog, and she said he’s a “nuisance” and just to be mean when she walked by she purposely stepped on his fave. toy causing it to emit a pitiful wail, just to upset him,and even threatened to leave the door open one day so that he’ll run away! She just doesn’t like him because he doesn’t like the 10 YR old (who she coddles and is obsessed with!) and that’s only because he constantly teases,aggravates,and provokes him, and I also added, You don’t like him either because you don’t like it that someone actually loves me and she said, I don’t care if anyone loves you; I don’t like it that he only loves you and not anyone else! but in actual fact he likes everyone except her and the 10 YR old because they’re mean to him!

Someone also sabotaged my iPod (usually it’s my computer) by putting a Hitler anthem on it and I couldn’t figure out how to delete it and I spent over 25 minutes trying to figure it out and I couldn’t and I asked my hubby, the 14 and 16 YR olds to help me but they wouldn’t and the girls kept making fun of me for it,too, and the 16 YR old mocked saying, I’m autistic! I can only do one thing! and they laughed and said I can’t do it because of my weed when in actual fact it’s because I’m stupid and old and I just don’t get all that technology stuff. My hubby eventually did do it and it just took him a couple of seconds to figure it out. I hate myself for being so dumb and I hate my family for always making fun of me and making me feel like shit.

So, I try to think of and remember happy days, happy times, happy moments in my life, and happy memories, which include friends, visiting relatives, travelling, my dogs I loved, the YMCA group, camp, my happy childhood, living in the city, playing Barbies and collecting Barbie stickers for our sticker books with my friend N in grade 6, skating and hanging out at the park and the French fry joint with D in grade 7 and 8, that time my BFF S and I in grade 7 walked our dogs and went to the store and bought huge tubs each of chocolate mint ice cream and rested under a tree as it was really hot and her ice cream melted and the lid popped off and it fell over onto the grass and had grass stuck to it and it was just so hilariously funny we kept cracking up, the time J and her mother and brother were with us on our veranda on a May weekend in grade 8 and it was just so perfect, and we felt like family and I felt like I belonged, and the time I went on a picnic and swimming in Highland Creek with I and her family, the time in grade 10 my friends A, A, and R and I climbed out the classroom window and sat out on the roof on a nice spring day and had our lunch, when H brought me back an orange piggy bank from her trip when I was 4-5, the multi-colour velvet pillow my fave. sitter Mrs. A made me for Christmas and the best Mac& cheese ever that she made home-made for my lunches,(and most of my sitters were either drunk or abusive so this really meant alot), shopping at the Beverly Center in L.A when I was 16 and 17 when we went on trips there and moved there, riding horses bareback as a kid galloping thru the field, feeling so free, being on the beach in the Caribbean, etc… these are the things I try to remember and hold on to to cheer my heart….I only wish that I could forget about the rest, all of the traumatic, hurtful, painful memories that keep tearing me down. I just want to be happy again but I don’t see any hope things will ever get any better or that I’ll ever have the opportunity to escape this toxic environment that’s destroyed my soul. My spirit has died.

Hello 2018.

Screen Shot 12-31-17 at 07.40 AM Well, it’s a new year, it’s now 2018 already and I’m still here, I’m still alive. If I’m going to die while I’m 50 I only have a few mere days left though as I turn 51 in just 3 more days… my mind has already gone though and it’s been long gone for awhile; I forget and leave the oven on, I go into a room and then immediately forget what I went in for, I put an item down and then leave and forget where I left it, such as my drink or my iPod, I take pills thinking it’s time for more thinking it must be 4-6 hours later but it’s only been an hour and accidently overdose myself, etc.. my memory is shit. My health isn’t so good either and has been steadily declining over the past 2 years. My liver and kidneys are failing and possibly my heart as well. I have bad abdomenal pain and unusual bleeding. I have a head injury, I’m also so run-down exhausted tired, fatigued,and listless. I have zero energy, etc… I feel like I’m fading away.

Yesterday in church I felt so out of focus as well. I must have drugged myself up too much with Aunt Flow. The cramps were just so bad that I needed everything because nothing worked to ease the pain, I took Midol, Advil,Buscopan, Tramadol,and finally weed. As I sat there it felt like I was separate and apart from everyone else, as if I was floating encapsuled in my own little bubble, floating slightly apart from them, just watching from a short distance away and I couldn’t for the life of me remember the words to prayers I know by heart my entire life,and what they were saying sounded like jibberish, like a foreign language I don’t know even though it really was English; it sounded all garbled and jumbled and I couldn’t understand it. It was the weirdest thing ever. Everything was also much more clearer and higher resolution, like I was hyper-focused and everything was enhanced and sharper. I also notice the row I’m sitting in is always the last one where anyone will sit, no one wants to sit next to someone so ugly like me. It makes me feel guilty and to apologize for and ask forgiveness for being ugly.

I had asked God as well in church for a sign of hope and encouragement for the new year and this woman I hadn’t seen in like forever was there this week and in the line for Communion she came up behind me and warmly rubbed my shoulder and smiled when I turned around so maybe that’s it? Maybe she’s like an angel in disguise God sent me, and also in our livingroom yesterday when my hubby,the 14 YR old and I were in the room she noticed 3 bright lights that converged into a triangular shape and made the off-hand remark Maybe it’s Jesus? and at first I laughed it off but then it got me thinking, What if it is? Maybe it really is a Heavenly sign; the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

I also got a good laugh: seeing my hubby from behind where he’s balding the shape looks like a dick and balls! I laughed so hard when I realized this and now he really is a dickhead, in more ways than one, and so now I have my own private little joke and every time I look at it I chuckle to myself and think, Dickhead! It cracks me up every time. I wonder as well if my CT scan will show from my head injury if maybe I have a big blod clot or something at the back of my head and that’s what’s causing the symptoms; the headaches, the diziness, the forgetfullness, etc… I’m sure my skull must have fractured with that impact and maybe slowly over time blood pooled into a clot which grows and gets bigger and may eventually break off and become an issue….it just makes me wonder..

First Snow!

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We got our first snowfall, a light dusting overnight! Of course later on it all melted and went away but it was so pretty and a nice surprise to wake up to. Buddy thought not so much. He just stood there when I took him out for his first thing in the morning walk and looked like What the hell just happened? Where did this come from?What the f*ck? He was not a happy boy. It was also really windy and cold so he didn’t want to go for a full walk and just did his thing quickly and came back inside. A neighbour also told me that 2 of her 3 dogs were poisoned and one of them almost died and had to get a blood transfusion and the vet bill was 5000$ and 2 of her other neighbours’ dogs were poisoned too and it turns out it was rat poison and someone’s been putting it in people’s yards purposely to kill their dogs! How can anyone be so evil and so sick? Just to be safe now I’m not even going to let Buddy out in the backyard anymore, just solely take him out for walks. That’s really scary. I had to massage his anal glands as well as they were impacted. Yup, I know. Gross.

When I got up in the morning I also noticed that the kids had put the rest of the decorations up on the Christmas tree during the night,and after seeing a hot photo of Jason Momoa online I got lustful thoughts and had to go to Confession as well and I confessed other stuff while I was there as well, preparing for Advent, which is in 2 weeks and the priest said I did a good humble Confession, and the college strike is now finally over,too after the gov’t ordered them back to work by legislation so classes resume Tuesday so the 23 YR old’s GF went back to her dorm last night.

It’s been 2 months now as well since I fainted and fell and hit my head and I have frequent headaches ever since but it’s not my usual migraines; they feel different, and when I touch a certain spot at the back of my head it still hurts,too, and yesterday I even had some sharp “shooting” pain in that same spot, sort of like an electric bolt zapping thru and a stiff neck at times too and the 23 YR old said, That’s not a good combination… maybe that’s how I’ll end up dying? Maybe I really did fracture it afterall like I thought and I have a slow brain bleed? Part feels “squishy” back there too unless it’s just my hair…

I also had the sports muted when I was watching the news as both my mother and I hate it and my hubby unmutes it (he just comes in and takes over) even though it was just football which even he doesn’t watch or like, and, in fact, he even calls it fagball; he just put it on to annoy me because he knows I hate it,(and what happened to majority rules when 2 out of 3 of us don’t like it?) and redneck stuff is one thing that I just can’t stand or tolerate and drives me crazy, esp. sports and country music; that’s where I draw the line and is a deal-breaker, and even though my mother hates it too (and the other day when it came on she groaned, Oh, not this crap again!) she still sided with him and they both ganged-up against me like they always do and she treats him more like her son than she treats me like her daughter and her excuse is he treats me nicer than you do! and I reminded herand you treat him better than you treat me! and when I said she never agrees with me, takes my side or gives me any support she says it’s because I’m always wrong. Then they wonder why I feel like an outsider in this family and feel pushed away and want out…..My family sucks.

The Fight.

Screen Shot 11-15-17 at 06.20 PM There was a big fight at our house yesterday. My mother had accused the 23 YR old and his GF of not washing their dishes during the night and leaving them in the sink and told them it’s time they moved out and found a place on their own and he said it’s the 16 YR old’s job to wash them as doing dishes is her chore that she gets paid allowance to do but my mother and hubby  said she doesn’t do them all night and if they’re up all night and use dishes then they have to wash their own. The 16 YR old said she saw his GF washing her dishes, and she was hurt to be falsely accused and I can understand that; I’m always being wrongly accused and blamed and faulted for everything all the time and I hate it and I’m sick of it. She got really upset and then my mother just blows it off( like she always does when she’s mean and hurts people, deflecting the blame away from herself) If she gets this upset just being told to do dishes I’d hate to think how upset she’d be if I actually said something mean and I told her maybe she’s sensitive( like I am; I’ve been criticized, put down, bullied, and picked on so much in my life now any criticism, even the smallest thing, shatters me) and she still felt hurt by it, no one likes to be wrongly accused of something they didn’t do, and she(my mother) should stop being so mean to people. As for the dishes, all I know is when I wake up in the mornings is that I can never find utensils or cups for breakfast but I have no idea who‘s leaving the dirty dishes out all night and not washing them.

The 23 YR old also told my mother that she made his GF feel unwelcome and that it made her really upset and that’s just so sad and it made me feel badly even though I had nothing to do with it, and I know how it feels though; I’m always made to feel unwelcome and like I don’t belong in this family, like an outsider, an unwelcome houseguest, a burden, like I don’t fit in or belong, like I’m not welcomed, so I know how she feels,and my mother does have a habit of being nasty and mean and saying hurtful things and making people feel like shit even though she always denies it and never owns it, accepts blame or takes responsibility and always says it’s someone else’s fault, never hers,and when I added, You always make me feel unwelcome,too! she snorted, But you’re still here! (yeah, only because I have no $$$$ and nowhere else to go!) and she told the 23 YR old to tell his GF that she didn’t mean to get her upset( yet only after everyone said how mean it was) and I told her, You’re the one that made her upset; it’s up to you to apologize to her yourself!  She really is a piece of work and she just doesn’t get it.

Later on I was also trying to put my food in the microwave and she just literally swoops in, right in front of me,butting-in, and takes it to heat up her stuff , stealing it right out from under me, and then when I got mad she snickered, You can wait! and then says I’m  mean to her when I called her out on it! She always acts like she’s the “victim” even though she starts it but never accepts she’s the problem and to blame.

Also, the 23 YR old asked me why I was listening to a Skillrex and Damian Marley song as he alluded to that Skillrex isn’t a very nice person but I have no idea whether he’s a nice person or he’s not; I just like the song, and in parting I will leave you with this:

There’s a lid for every pot, even the cracked ones.

My Day.

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Yesterday I had a nice quiet relaxing day to myself with my hubby and the kids ( except for the 10 YR old and the 23 YR old) away in Toronto all day. I didn’t have to think about planning, preparing, or supervising meals, I didn’t have to keep track of or watch the clock or worry what time it was, I didn’t have to stick to any schedule; I could just do whatever at whatever pace I wanted without having to always think ahead of what I have to do next and how much time I have left until I have to start planning ahead to that.  It’s too cold and rainy now to be able to be outside anymore but I had a nice quiet day inside hanging out with my dog. I also cut my hair,read,  watched The Blacklist and Criminal Minds and had a nice long relaxing bath. It was just the perfect day I needed to take time off my usual schedule and not have to think, plan, prepare, schedule, watch the clock, or do anything. I didn’t even have to think. I had all the free time I wanted and no rush. It was also quiet and just a perfect day to unwind and de-stress. All I had to do was walk the dog.

At the clinic the other day one of the therapists also kept saying how much she just loves my new tie-dyed socks (seen in the photo here) so I gave her the link where she can order it online and the 14 YR old scoffed, She doesn’t really like your ugly socks! She was just being nice! but if that was the case then she’d never have to say anything at all, not even mention it, and we’d told the kids how in therapy we were told not to name-call or insult so the 10 YR old called me Hey….not smart person….. I told him I thought we weren’t supposed to be mean and name-call? he replied, I didn’t call you stupid although later on when I told him to get back and do his math he did call me stupid and retard and then he started freaking out when Buddy was barking at him defending me when he was yelling at me and the dog saw him as aggressive, as a threat. At least my dog loves me.

I’ve also been waiting over a month for my hubby to pick up my coconut oil when he was near the store that sells it and he finally got it and then told me that he actually did have it all along; that he got it before but just kept it all this time making me think he didn’t pick it up, just to make me wait, to watch me squirm and stew, to prolong my wait and watch my reaction as time goes on, playing with me, mind games, and the like, ( but in this case I’d just given up and got baby oil for my moisturizer instead thinking I was never going to get the coconut oil)and they always do things like this with me and then wonder why I get so pissed off.  The college faculty is still on strike,too,and it’s been 3 weeks so far, and the 23 YR old’s GF has been staying here with us during the strike since she has no classes anyway. I just hope they don’t lose their semester or their year…

The shitty way my family treats me and how much happier I am when they’re not here (such as when they go away or I do) makes me think of how much easier life would be without kids,and the way they always mindf*ck me, twist everything around all the time, blame me,and all the games they play with my mind (I still don’t know for sure if I’m being poisoned or not) also makes me wonder at times if maybe I am the problem and maybe there really is something wrong with me(but then others validate me and reassure me it’s them that’s the problem and not me, that I’m the victim of abuse) and they’ve broken me so hard I’ve lost sight of who I really am and getting away from this toxic situation looks more appealing all the time.Sometimes their emotional abuse gets so bad I think I’m going crazy and I don’t know what to think or what to believe anymore or what’s real and and I can no longer tell fact from fiction and lose sight of reality causing me to basically just drop out of life. I’ve had enough. I can’t keep doing this . I really need and appreciate when I get My Day, giving me back a little slice of life the way it used to be.



Screen Shot 04-05-17 at 07.17 PM 001 After my hubby kept hitting me (and it kept increasing harder and harder) yesterday during our fight over the car radio and I really had some time after to think about it, the impression came into my head I’m being abused. Emotional abuse has now become physical abuse. It’s escalating. (although there were a couple of times before,too, over the YRS, where he’d roughly and forcefully grabbed my arm and twisted it hard when he was mad at me about something but generally his abuse is emotional, mental, and psychological….which, BTW, is bad enough, it’s life-sucking, soul-crushing and draining)

I’ve just become so accustomed to it, so numb to the way he and my mother (and kids; as they “mirror” their behaviour towards me and they copy it, thinking that’s how you’re supposed to treat Mama; put her down, insult her, blame her, belittle her, devalue and demean her, disrespect her, ignore her, dismiss her, trivialize her, bully her, gang-up on her, berate her, criticize her, tear her down, push her away,etc…) treat me, and it’s just my everyday daily life with my family that I don’t think anything of it, I’m so used to it, but then I thought if it were reversed and I was reading someone else’s blog and saw that their family constantly treated them like my family does to me ,and how it broke them and took away everything that they once were it would just break my heart and I would feel so badly for them, yet when it’s my own self I just live it each day trying my best to survive and make it thru each day the best that I can while I pray for death to bring me blessed relief and escape where I can find happiness, peace,and love, because realistically I know I have no money, no job skills, no support, nowhere to go,and no other way to escape to get out of this toxic environment, otherwise I would be gone so fast…. if only I had $$$$, support,and somewhere I could safely go.What am I supposed to do? I’m not going to live on the street!

It also got me thinking: maybe I’m really  not so depressed afterall, and maybe not even crazy,either, but just abused and this is just the side-effects of what they’ve done to me over all the YRS? My hubby I noticed his emotional abuse started when I was prego with our first child but then it increased and got worse over the YRS and my mother’s began after I had my second child, with her meddling, over-stepping boundaries ,over-ruling and undermining me, taking over with my kids and ganging up siding with them and my hubby against me, and the kids start once they get closer to the teen YRS, and maybe it’s just easier for them to call me crazy and say I’m the problem than to take some responsibility for what they’ve done and their contribution to it? I think they call it victim blaming.


screen-shot-02-12-17-at-02-30-pm-001 I got this cute hippo from my hubby for Valentine’s Day. I called her Valentina. (yes, I do give all my stuffed toy hippos names, ok?) but it wasn’t as romantic as you might think or may have been hoping. In fact we were at the drug store picking up my prescription  and because we had to wait I was looking at the Valentine’s Day stuff aisle and saw this adorable pink hippo with hearts so I picked it up, hollered over to my hubby, “Here! This is my Valentine’s Day gift!” and tossed him the hippo……and that was it. So much for romance. HA!

screen-shot-02-13-17-at-04-49-pm I’ve never liked Valentine’s Day anyway as before I hated it as it used to be a painful reminder of what I didn’t have : love and romance and probably never would….and now it’s still a sad reminder of what I don’t have, plus the loss of an illusion,too; that I never did get that “fairytale” love, romance,and marriage that I’d always wanted, hoped for,and dreamed of, and that my desire to have a family was a dream that turned into a nightmare.Instead, I ended up in an unhappy, loveless marriage, and still longing and dreaming for a romance that never materialized, and likely never will, and today is just like rubbing salt into the wound.

The doctor’s office also called and said my biopsy came back normal; NO skin cancer, and I’m actually a bit disappointed (only I’d be disappointed to NOT have cancer!) because I was hoping that if  I did at least it would explain why I’m always so drop-dead tired, run-down, have no energy and feel like I’m fading away and getting weaker and weaker each day. At least if I had cancer I would have had an answer; now I still don’t know why! Most of the kids used to be nicer to me when they were younger,too(I just had a couple of “bad seeds”) but as they got older and saw how my mother and hubby treated me they copied them and saw that’s just how I’m supposed to be treated( inferior, disrespectfully, condescending, dismissively, abusively, etc.) and they just grew up imitating it.

My mother mentioned as well how this YR 3 of the kids have “Milestone” birthdays; ages 16, 18,and 21, and when I reminded her that no one cared about my milestone 50TH this YR  but when she turned 50 at least she got a limo ride she huffed, “That was back when you used to care about me!” and I told her, “That was also before you started over-stepping boundaries with my kids!” She really just doesn’t see why we don’t gel along and why I hate her when she doesn’t know her place with my kids and is always over-ruling, under-mining,and sabotaging me and with the disciplining my kids and has turned them against me, always criticizes and belittles me and puts me down, has always rejected me, blames me for everything and blames everything on me, always takes my hubby’s “side” against mine in everything and they gang-up on me ….yet she doesn’t understand why I have issues with her  and why we don’t get along anymore.

Oh, also that,and the time she told me that she never loved me, and “the reason I love so-and-so- so much is because she’s “nothing like you!” and yeah, stuff like that.

The Point Of No Return.

screen-shot-12-26-16-at-08-21-am There’s an aviation term used once you reach beyond a certain point while flying where it becomes The Point Of No Return, where you can no longer go back to where you started if a problem should arise, but, rather, you have to go forward, towards your destination,and continue on, perhaps as you wouldn’t have enough fuel to return, or you’re flying in the middle of an ocean, for example, and you can’t turn around and go back from this point onward, you have  to keep moving forward, you can’t  change your mind and go back, and you have to stick with your plan. A certain “line” has been crossed and you can’t move beyond it, and that’s how I feel with my toxic family. I’ve just had enough of their exclusion, cruelty, ridicule, belittling, mocking, provoking, and emotional abuse. It feels like I have reached The Point Of No Return.

I have reached The Point Of No Return with my toxic family. I feel like a line has been crossed and it cannot be re-crossed. I can’t ever go back to the way it used to be, when the kids were younger(and nicer) back when they used to love me and tell me they loved me and show me they loved me, before they grew up and morphed into these nasty disrespectful , mouthy ingrates that treat me like dirt, copying how they see my hubby and mother also treat me(Where do you think they learned it from?). I also feel The Point Of No Return has been reached as a line has been crossed and I can’t go back; I’ve had enough of their mistreatment, criticism, disdain, demeaning,hate, and rejection of me, and no matter how hard I try it still never makes any difference; they still hate me, exclude me, ignore me, and bully me so I’m just done trying, as what’s the use? I feel like I’m just wasting my time. I can’t “make” someone like me. I can’t “make” someone be nice. I can’t “make” someone be kind. All I can do is try but it reaches a point where it’s just no use anymore.Now I just give up and want to walk away and never look back.

I’ve reached The Point Of No Return.

screen-shot-12-26-16-at-02-40-pm-001 Even for Christmas only 2 of the kids even cared enough to get me gifts, and it’s not the gifts themselves I’m concerned about here but rather the thought put into them and the love that inspires you to get the gift in the first place, that someone was thinking of you,and I got all the kids gifts(since I had some $$$$ this YR) yet only 2 cared enough to think of me, and the “weed” calendar the second-oldest got me I’m still not even quite sure if she got it because she thought I’d like it……or if it was mocking me(with my family I can never tell)…and the 20 YR old and 9 YR old also gave presents to everyone except me,too, in a deliberate snub,and it’s just mean to purposely exclude someone anyway but even more so on Christmas! Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving, sharing, love, and harmony, NOT exclusion, rejection, hate, and revenge.

The kids were also laughing about me and saying how I had this “phase” where I “thought I was a holy Saint” ……except that I never did; I never said that, thought that, or believed that; it’s a lie, and now they’re just making shit up,trying to make me look stupid, bad, crazy,and ridiculous, and I was soooo mad at Buddy as well(I’ve never been so mad at him,and, in fact, I think this was the first time I can remember even being mad at him!) as it was really bad freezing rain and I had him out to pee except he wouldn’t…..he was being stubborn and just…refused…..but he wasn’t going in the house until he peed so we were out  there for an hour and I was just sooooo fed up so then I came in and just put him out in the backyard and told him he could come inside when he peed……and right away he peed, the little f*cker….

Then the kids all start hassling me, saying how “mean” I am to “Poor Buddy”(for tossing him out in the yard), etc… so quick to judge and criticize me (for getting mad at him, even though I was stuck out in the freezing rain, which made the street like an ice rink, for an HR as he refused to pee!) yet none of them would ever stand out there for an HR with him like  I did, so they should just shut the f*ck up!! The 15 YR old was being a lying two-faced phony as well; to  just me she purred, “Time to sell Buddy! He’s ugly anyway!” but then just minutes later, to the kids she croons, “Ooooh, poor dog! Is she being mean to you?”

This is the kind of crap I get from them all the time. I’m done. I’m so sick of this shit.

screen-shot-12-26-16-at-02-45-pm I’m thinking of maybe doing myself in again. The suicide feelings are back again. Your heart, spirit, and soul can only be broken so many times.I just can’t keep doing this.I want my family to see what they do to me, the damage they cause,how it makes me feel, and to know how serious it is.


Screen Shot 05-09-16 at 01.22 PM Certain people  in my family don’t like what I say about them on this blog, which they refer to as my “stupid blog”. They accuse me of “lying” about them, having an “exaggerated reality” and being “delusional” but in actual fact I just say what happens, what really goes on, and how it makes me feel, from my perspective. It’s also a way for me to vent, and is a form of therapy in a way,too, to get my feelings out, an outlet, and of course it’s from MY point of view because I’M the one *writing* it; who else’s perspective would it be from? They’ve even threatened to delete my blog because they don’t like what I write, thereby censoring me, taking away my freedom to write what I like, to express myself,speak the truth about how I’m treated, to vent, and taking away something I put a great deal of work into, more of that control, power, and threats my family uses over me but it’s really this simple: if they don’t like what I say about them then they should stop treating me like shit and stop being such assholes….and if they don’t like what I write then they don’t have to read my blog.


Screen Shot 05-10-16 at 06.37 PM I also seriously planned on killing myself last night, sick and tired of my toxic family and how they treat me and how they make me feel but I didn’t have enough codeine; I would have needed 800 mg to do the trick and I didn’t have anywhere near that amount. Doesn’t it “figure?” Just MY “luck!” I just don’t have enough medications to succeed and I don’t want to do anything painful or messy….so where does that leave me? Maybe I can poison myself somehow? I’m determined to die and I pray to God every day to take my life…..maybe even with my diuretic my potassium will get so low my heart will just stop…I can only hope…it’s already broken….

Screen Shot 05-10-16 at 07.42 PMPart of me then thinks though why should I allow them to drive me to kill myself? Then they win and I lose and I shouldn’t give them the satisfaction but I’m just so beaten down and defeated by life I just can’t do it anymore and I don’t see any other way out. When Patti found out she really laid into me and was mad and not supportive at all and not the way you should be to someone who’s suicidal, just reinforcing that no one cares, and unless you’ve been depressed or had bipolar then you don’t know what it’s like and will never understand so you can’t judge.

Screen Shot 05-10-16 at 07.13 PM My cousin DID care though and he told me “PISS on them!”( my mother, hubby,and kids) and said I should tell them to “Kiss my ASS!” and of, course, I know God cares about me,and my dog….but that’s about it.

I Called by Elias Taber

I called on Harry and he said, “Life is not fair”
I called on Larry
he wasn’t there
I called on Linda
she said, “I don’t care”
I called on myself
the pain was too much to bear
I called on God
He answered, “Son, I’m always there.”