The Fight.

Screen Shot 11-15-17 at 06.20 PM There was a big fight at our house yesterday. My mother had accused the 23 YR old and his GF of not washing their dishes during the night and leaving them in the sink and told them it’s time they moved out and found a place on their own and he said it’s the 16 YR old’s job to wash them as doing dishes is her chore that she gets paid allowance to do but my mother and hubby  said she doesn’t do them all night and if they’re up all night and use dishes then they have to wash their own. The 16 YR old said she saw his GF washing her dishes, and she was hurt to be falsely accused and I can understand that; I’m always being wrongly accused and blamed and faulted for everything all the time and I hate it and I’m sick of it. She got really upset and then my mother just blows it off( like she always does when she’s mean and hurts people, deflecting the blame away from herself) If she gets this upset just being told to do dishes I’d hate to think how upset she’d be if I actually said something mean and I told her maybe she’s sensitive( like I am; I’ve been criticized, put down, bullied, and picked on so much in my life now any criticism, even the smallest thing, shatters me) and she still felt hurt by it, no one likes to be wrongly accused of something they didn’t do, and she(my mother) should stop being so mean to people. As for the dishes, all I know is when I wake up in the mornings is that I can never find utensils or cups for breakfast but I have no idea who‘s leaving the dirty dishes out all night and not washing them.

The 23 YR old also told my mother that she made his GF feel unwelcome and that it made her really upset and that’s just so sad and it made me feel badly even though I had nothing to do with it, and I know how it feels though; I’m always made to feel unwelcome and like I don’t belong in this family, like an outsider, an unwelcome houseguest, a burden, like I don’t fit in or belong, like I’m not welcomed, so I know how she feels,and my mother does have a habit of being nasty and mean and saying hurtful things and making people feel like shit even though she always denies it and never owns it, accepts blame or takes responsibility and always says it’s someone else’s fault, never hers,and when I added, You always make me feel unwelcome,too! she snorted, But you’re still here! (yeah, only because I have no $$$$ and nowhere else to go!) and she told the 23 YR old to tell his GF that she didn’t mean to get her upset( yet only after everyone said how mean it was) and I told her, You’re the one that made her upset; it’s up to you to apologize to her yourself!  She really is a piece of work and she just doesn’t get it.

Later on I was also trying to put my food in the microwave and she just literally swoops in, right in front of me,butting-in, and takes it to heat up her stuff , stealing it right out from under me, and then when I got mad she snickered, You can wait! and then says I’m  mean to her when I called her out on it! She always acts like she’s the “victim” even though she starts it but never accepts she’s the problem and to blame.

Also, the 23 YR old asked me why I was listening to a Skillrex and Damian Marley song as he alluded to that Skillrex isn’t a very nice person but I have no idea whether he’s a nice person or he’s not; I just like the song, and in parting I will leave you with this:

There’s a lid for every pot, even the cracked ones.

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