Just Give Me 10 More Minutes!

Buddy10 Pretty well every morning around 6 am Buddy will jump up all over me, licking me, jumping on me, and if I don’t acknowledge him or respond ( I’m either sleeping or pretending to be asleep hoping he’ll leave me alone for a few minutes and go back to bed before he wants to go out and pee) whimper and whine, and my often-used mantra, my heartfelt plea, is this, Just give me 10 more minutes…. I know he has to go, but I’m so nice and warm and cozy in my bed and it’s still dark out; my body still wants to sleep. I don’t want to get up quite yet, and he’s held it this long already, I mean, he’s gone all night, what’s 10 more minutes? Oh, for the love of God, pleeeaase just 10 more minutes… Luckily the time change hasn’t affected him though; he slept thru it ok and didn’t even seem to notice; he woke up at the normal time and not an hour earlier like I was afraid he might. I remember when the kids were little this used to concern me,too.

Screen Shot 11-05-17 at 09.49 AM The 16 YR old also made this cell phone case! She designed and created and made it herself! Isn’t it cool? I told her she could/should make a business out of it by selling them online. I bet she’d make alot of $$$$…I also realized as well that the first half of the kids, that is, the older ones, did university, and the second half of them, the younger ones( with the exception of the youngest,I’m sure, who’s 10, and he’s a real  little genius) are planning on college which actually works out quite well  for us since we’ve also run out of $$$$$! The roofer came as well and said it’s not the roof that’s leaking but rather the eavestroughs and that it’s actually them that needs replacing and not the roof that needs repairing afterall and the good news is this costs less, too!

I also went to church in the morning yesterday instead of in the evening as we had torrential rain all day but my hubby was able to drive me if I went at 11 am but not if I went later and I’d have to walk in the rain (and without even an umbrella because the 16 YR old left it at work…..thanx for that, BTW!) and it also worked out well as this way I know that the kids actually did go to church too(instead of just saying they did but actually going out somewhere else) because I see them there with my own eyes and they know I’d be watching for them,too, and the Rich Lady was there again, sitting 2 rows ahead of me so I got to sit and stare at the back of her head the whole time, admiring her sophistication, elegance,and style, and wondering what her life is like the rest of the week and what she does, wondering what it would be like to be her, to switch lives, and this is why the Mindfulness training is so hard for me,too as my mind always wanders off somewhere else and I can’t just be there in the present, in the then and now, I always daydream and let my mind float off somewhere, and when the kids told me that the Jesus pictures weren’t going back on the wall after the paint was dry ( and it’s NOT just me; the 23 YR old and his GF both liked and preferred the floral wallpaper in the upstairs hall like I did,too, rather than the dreary institutional-grey colour my hubby and the 14 YR old painted it now) and I got really mad andthen my hubby chanted mockingly to me, Use your Mindfulness! and I told him, You can take your mindfulness and shove it up your ass!  So then there’s also that.