3 Dogs.

Screen Shot 11-23-17 at 06.39 PM I was thinking about the mystery going on in our neighbourhood, how Donna told me that 2 of her dogs were poisoned and so were dogs of 2 of her other neighbours and that someone’s been putting rat poison in dog owner’s yards to kill their dogs. When I was talking to her earlier we were trying to figure out who it might be and the more I thought about it I think I may have figured it out:

Donna has an ongoing feud with her next-door neighbour, something about how he leaves his truck running all hours of the night(he’s a trucker and works all hours) and her husband can’t sleep it’s so noisy,and they in turn, complain about her dogs barking, so she assumed it must be them…except that their dogs were also poisoned,too, so it doesn’t make any sense, along with another neighbour’s dog as well. She guessed maybe the guy behind her(who also faces behind us from another side) since they’re the only new people that moved in recently,and, according to her,anyway, they’re not very friendly.

Since a criminal in any given neighbourhood will commonly commit a pattern of crime (esp. such as arson,vandalism, or robbery) in a triangle-shape location, within their own neighbourhood, with the victims being located at the 3 points of the triangle and along the perimter and the bad guy lives in the middle…and based on those calculations that puts Donna’s house and her feuding neighbour as the 2 points at the bottom of the triangle and another neighbour at the point at the top…..and the people that live behind us(behind our backyard where the pool is) are right in the centre…. the “newest” to move in, the unfriendly ones……so are they the culprits, I wonder? They also are located behind Donna and right across the street from the other….and I also realized….all of the targets have 3 dogs each! So, are they maybe just targeting homes with more than one dog, because, say, they’re noisier with all the barking (let’s face it, once one of them gets going, they all do) and this house is surrounded by homes on all sides who have 3 dogs each, or are they targeting any household that has a dog, even if they only have one? I even wondered at first if maybe(instead of intentionally trying to poison and  kill dogs) it was bait put out for the raccoons and the pet dogs got it by mistake but that might explain why one it might happen to, but who would put it in all of their neighbours’ yards,too? Just to be extra cautious though I don’t even let Buddy go out in the backyard anymore, just for walks out the front with me on the leash, where I can watch him and monitor his every move and make sure that he doesn’t lick or eat anything.