Attack On Ottawa.

ParliamentHillAttack As I’m sure you’ve heard by now (it’s all over the news) Ottawa has had what appears to be a terrorist attack. A soldier guarding the War Memorial was shot at point-blank range and killed and then the gunman hijacked a car and went into the Parliament (gov’t) buildings and started shooting until he was eventually killed and there are reports that there were 2 or 3 gunmen; still uncertain and the entire downtown was put into lockdown and many of my old friends( who still live and work there, many of whom work for the gov’t) were in lockdown in their offices. One friend said he was at the War Memorial just minutes before the soldier was shot and he saw the ambulance with police escort go racing by and those in lockdown for HRS had no access to TV to be updated on news reports to what was happening and just relied on those of us( like me) on the outside to keep in touch with them and update them thru Facebook, Twitter, or texts. That’s some scary shit and I lived there for some 18 YRS,myself ,too! No one is immune to terrorism though and it can happen anywhere( witnesses say the shooters were wearing all black, and black and white scarves that covered their heads and faces, Jihadi-style) and just 2 days prior 2 soldiers were targeted and run over by a car( one was killed) in an attack by a home-grown radical, so it would seem here they are targeting military who are wearing their uniforms in public as well as gov’t officials rather than civilians. Military personnel have since been cautioned to not wear their uniforms out in public.

One thing I hope DOESN’T happen as a result though is that society gives in to panic, paranoia,and fear and that we don’t allow incidences like these to keep us from going out and living our ordinary lives or allow the authorities to curtail and limit our personal rights and freedoms in “exchange” for tighter security and have even more of a Police State in return, otherwise the terrorists win. Everyone seems so shocked and surprised if could happen here though but I’m really not and sort of expected it eventually given what Canada did during the war in Afghanistan and now it’s payback time; it’s coming back to them; you can’t engage in war and go over to other countries and pillage, rape and kill and not expect retaliation. I also hope there won’t be a backlash  against Muslims and increased Islamophobia because it’s not right to blame an entire religion or group of people due to some radicals.They even cancelled the kids’ Air Cadets this week too due to it and all military bases in the country were locked down and hopefully this will be a lesson as well to get better security on Parliament Hill; I mean, it just seemed too easy for someone to walk right in there with a gun and start shooting! I really would have thought they’d have had better security than that! Another good compelling reason for me to move to the Caribbean,too; whoever heard of a terrorist attack there?


As well, my hubby left the side door open and Buddy ran out into the driveway and I was frantic and ran after him with an anguished scream but luckily he did come back when I called him( thank God!), the 13 YR old’s a vegetarian now as the idea of eating meat( dead animal carcass) is “gross”, my hubby was walking by the bathroom as I was sitting on the toilet and he decides to peek in….right at the exact moment I pulled out a bloody tampon and he started gagging and ran out of there fast like a bat out of hell( ha,ha!) and my mother almost made me choke on my chicken burger laughing when she referred to “Satan’s Day” as “F*ck-O-Ween” and my hubby said we go to a great church as it lets us do all sorts of bad things like smoke, drink, gamble, and celebrate Hallowe’en but I told him it SHOULD know BETTER and *I* still don’t; I follow the Bible, not man, and that’s one of the problems I’ve always had with the Church, that it DOES allow sin the Bible clearly condemns and forbids.

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