Nobel Peace prize? You’ve GOT to be kidding!!

Really? I can’t believe this! US Prez Obama got the Nobel PEACE Prize when he’s sending even MORE troops into Afghanistan for war, to kill even more innocent civilians? How exactly is THAT “peace?” I thought the Peace Prize would go to someone who genuinely tried to MAKE peace, to negotiate peace between nations, to STOP a war; NOT contribute TO it!! He even went as far as to say sometimes you “NEED” war for peace! What? That’s like saying you “need” abortion for protect LIFE. I agreed it WAS necessary to stop the Nazi tyranny of WWII where Hitler invaded all of Europe and had to be stopped, but the last time I checked neither Iraq or Afghanistan has ever “invaded” USA; it’s merely that USA doesn’t like their politics, their leaders, the Taliban(neither do I, but that still doesn’t justify bombing innocent villagers in the process of trying to get them all),and IS interested in their resources, namely oil.USA acts like the “policeman” of te world and Obama is a war monger just like all the others. “Peace” prize? What a joke! Now it has lost all meaning and prestige. What next, give it to Osama bin Laden,too?It makes as much sense  as neither are for peace and seem to thrive on war!I think it’s simply the Cult of Personality; Obama sways the people and he’s popular and that’s why he got it, and perhaps those involved are all part of the Bilderberg Group of elitists who want to usher in the New World Order…