I wonder how Brittany Murphy died?

I was shocked to hear actress Brittany Murphy died, she was only 32. There are reports she had diabetes, and was sick with flu-like symptoms and on prescription meds,and other rumours she was anorexic and took cocaine,and it seemed suspicious her husband didn’t want an autopsy done as well. Whenever a celeb died you always wonder if it’s drugs but in this case I wonder if she maybe had Swine Flu, given the fact she WAS sick(and vomiting) and on meds and just weeks before her husband ALSO had trouble breathing;it makes you wonder if it WAS, and if she did have an underlying heart problem(they suspect cause of death was cardiac arrest, or heart attack) it would seem even more  possible. The autopsy has been completed but toxicology results take weeks. Maybe she accidently took too much of her meds, or they interacted, or she took them too close together? There are many possibilities but it’s sad either way and makes you think of your OWN limited lifespan reading things like this,too; she was 10 years YOUNGER than me.She’s gone and I’m still here!It just goes to show that tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us.

“Not me!” Monday.

A blog carnival beginning at www.mckmama.com

I don’t…hope a blizzard comes and someone(I don’t get along with) who’s supposed to be coming home for Christmas will get snowed-in and be unable to visit…

I didn’t…sigh, “I’ve had 21 YEARS of THIS?” on our anniversary when we went out to eat and my hubby forgot his wallet and all his credit cards at home(like he ALWAYS  does;loses things!)…

I didn’t…laugh out loud when the 2 year old spelled a rude word aloud…

I don’t…feel anxious Christmas will be ruined due to a certain somebody who will be there, and always causes fights,strife and discord in the family…

I didn’t…cover up one of the kids’ bruises( on her face from where the 2 year old threw a hard toy at her causing a bruised welt) going to church  for fear someone might report us if they saw it,wrongly thinking we “abuse” her…

I didn’t…automatically think first of all, “I bet it was drugs!” hearing a young actresss had suddenly died…

I didn’t…feel relieved I likely won’t be having more babies upon hearing of a preemie born; a reminder of what CAN go wrong and I won’t have to worry about ever again…

I didn’t…feel depressed hearing 3 of my school friends(who are the same age as me) are grandmothers now; making ME feel really OLD….

I don’t…secretly feel relieved that soon  Christmas is over, as all the hard work and preparation and stress will finally be  behind me now for another year…


“Ketchup” post.

Catching up on our lives:

The 6 year old overheard me say how a friend “stabbed me in the back” years ago and she remarked,”But you didn’t die! You’re still here!” and she has a booger collection and said I’m “gross” because I “make-out with Papa” and we had a big blizzard,and our water cooler was only 2-3 months old and the fan broke already and we have to buy a new one(it makes the water hot, not cold) everything ALWAYS breaks for US! I also saw the Olympic torch go by as it passed thru our town; I heard a noise and looked out my window and happened to see it(even though I couldn’t care less) and the 2 year old threw a hard toy on the 10 year old’s face and now she has a swollen bruise, and he had ca-ca on his hand and brought it to my mother to clean…but she thought it was a “boo-boo” and KISSED it,and the 15 year old gave him Tabasco sauce to torment him…but he ended up LIKING it and asked for more,and the 11 year old had him kiss his feet! We also had our 21st anniversary and my hubby gave me 12 roses and we went out to eat but the “tool” FORGOT his wallet and all his credit cards(luckily he had cash!) like he ALWAYS loses everything, and a few of the kids were sick(I think a flu)and debated if Frosty the Snowman is a “retard”and our dryer is making these loud weird squeaking noises!!  My mother saw an angel as well; a  tall shadow walking by she thought at first was one of the kids but no one was there,the 2 year old saw me look into a mirror and scream and he said,”Me turn!” and looked into the mirror and screamed,too, and our 2 oldest are coming from school for a visit( for 2 weeks for Christmas) this week,and one of the kids’ drawings was on the floor and the dog PEED on it as it IS  paper!! 🙂

Worry wart!

Now I am even MORE worried about my dearest friend than I was before; she had a few troublesome symptoms(mainly extreme weight loss and pain) I worried may be cancer, so I told her to see the doc and she did and got blood work, an ultrasound, and booked for  endoscopy,and she said the office called her and want her to come in and discuss the blood test results, which mean they DID find something, and likely serious too or else they’d just tell her over the phone,and in the meantime she’s been feeling really sick to her stomach and dizzy like she’s not had before! This is very concerning and sounding more and more like it might be cancer all the time,although I AM still hoping it’s something a lot less serious,and I have another friend who does have Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma(a type of cancer) and my son had leukemia 4 years ago(now in remission, but always a chance of relapse; a dark cloud that always hangs over us). I think I am even more worried for my friend than she is; she’s always been a calm person and never really seems to get stressed-out or worried, whereas I worry about EVERYTHING and wish I could be more like her! Her app’t isn’t until the new year, and she is in my thoughts,prayers,and well-wishes but this really worries me, and I just found her recently,too(after a 25 year or so separation and then we got back in touch) and I DON’T want to lose her AGAIN! This weighs heavily on my heart! She is my best friend of all time!

Friday Fill-ins.

1. Good times:    was a TV show I liked in the 70’s_____________.
2. We are awaiting Jesus in   _________ my home.
3. Sleigh bells ring     now just a week until Christmas__________.
4. _I wish life would give me a break, even just a   ____________ little.
5. Once more    I ♥ Jesus!______________.
6. When will this cold spell   ________ end?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to   praying the Rosary   _____, tomorrow my plans include   a movie _____ and Sunday, I want to   go to Mass._____!

Heavy hearted.

I have a heavy heart and a black heart; so much sad things I have heard, so many in need,such tragedy, and so much persecution in the news lately; prayer needs for a handicapped baby with Retinoblastoma(eye cancer), learning of a friend’s painful family hurt: his grandmother dying in a fire at age 32, leaving behind 6 kids who were shipped off to nuns, where one died at age 9 of appendicitis, and his brother(my friend’s father) grew up(losing his mother at age 6) and lost his mother and brother and then his wife at age 40 to cancer,too, when my friend was only 4, losing his mother. Then in the news hearing of oppression from a school expelling and ordering psychological testing on a 7 year old for drawing a picture of Jesus on the Cross, and another child reprimanded in school during reading time for reading the Bible being told it’s “not appropriate”(but I bet if it was Harry Potter or other occult themed book it would be ok), schools and communities banning Christmas pageants and carols(yet Hallowe’en parties ARE ok; you can glorify the occult but NOT God!) and a judge ordering a 6 year old girl taken from her biological mom and placed with a lesbian atheist with no blood or legal ties as it’s “harmful” to be raised in a Christian home(yet being raised in perversion IS ok?),and another story of a girl ordered out of homeschooling into the public school for “being ‘too’ Christian”, teachers in Florida schools prohibited from praying or even mentioning religion, God, or faith(or else be fined 5000$) and have to literally hide in closets to pray, and  then the Obamas for not having a Nativity Scene on the White House lawn, it goes on and on, the persecution of religion, Christianity, of God’s people,destroying families,and  all this weighs heavily on my heart and soul; the unjustness and unfairness of it all, Christian bashing and persecution(like in Roman times), censoring God, silencing religion, oppressing parents’ rights, etc.but God will NOT be mocked and He will vindicate His faithful ones; we are in the Last Days and Jesus will soon return, destroying evil and restoring His rightful kingdom and all this will cease to exist! I can’t wait!!

21 years!

Today is our wedding anniversary. I can’t believe we’ve been together for 21 YEARS! Our oldest child is now 20 as well and the youngest is 2(out of our 11 kids.) I can’t believe it has been half my life and  the time has gone by so fast I can’t believe it’s been this long! I will be 43 next month as well and 3 of my school friends have grandchildren already and they’re my age! I suddenly feel REALLY old now! For our anniversary we’re going out to a restaurant, and possibly my hubby has some surprise in store for me(the odd time he does things like that…..) like last year he surprised me with a bouquet of 20 long-stem red roses; one for each year! It was sweet! 🙂

Christmas is almost here!

I can’t believe Christmas is almost here! Next Friday! The kids are all getting excited and I want the same thing I always want every Christmas: snow!(so far we have it….)Next week our 2 oldest kids away at university will also be coming home for a 2 week visit,and on Christmas Eve we have Mass and when we come home we continue the tradition of opening one gift each,and save the others for Christmas morning as well as the stockings for the kids, filled with candies and little toys,and have a big dinner in the diningroom! We’re taking 2 weeks off homeschooling for Christmas break and have the usual treats of various chocolates, Stollen, egg nog,pffernusse cookies,sugar cookies,and will have ambrosia(a dessert made of whipped cream mixed with diced fruit and marshmallows) and pumpkin pie, and we’re having both ham and turkey for dinner as well as different types of potatoes and veggies. I get excited just thinking about it!! 🙂

“Not me!” Monday.

A blog carnival originated at http://www.mckmama.com

I didn’t…laugh hearing the 2 year old had ca-ca on his hands and brought it to my mother to wipe clean but she thought it was a boo-boo and ended up KISSING it….

I don’t….enjoy wearing my fur coat(now we have snow!) even MORE knowing the animal-rights activists(such as the freaks at PETA) HATE it….

I don’t….shave my head completely bald weekly now out of sheer laziness so I only have to do it once a week and let the buzz-cut just  grow in….

I didn’t….refuse to send our oldest(away at school) more $$$$ to buy new winter boots after angrily discovering he’d SOLD his winter boots as he “needed the $$$” and then had the nerve to ask us for MORE $$$ to buy another pair….

I didn’t…feel sort of freaked that a couple of weird people added me on “Facebook”; wondering what I got myself in to…

I didn’t laugh seeing the 15 year old wearing garish and tacky Christmas sweaters and remark he “looks like my uncle”….

I don’t…feel excited our son will be coming home next week over Christmas(from school) but dreading also seeing our haughty daughter, who will also be  home for the holidays and will inevitably cause fights and ruin Christmas for everyone…